Hi! I'd like to find some Pokémon to add to my competitive team, but some HA are pretty hard to obtain, can you help me?
First, I would like to have a Contrary Spinda with Superpower. I tried to catch him in ORAS, but I read that he is no longer obtainable. If anyone can breed one with the DW attack (Superpower) and HA I would greatly appreciate it.
Also I want a male HA (Own Tempo) Espurr (I'm looking for a Prankster Meowstic). This one may be harder but it have not any interesting egg moves.
I can give you some Pokémon (or any of them) in exchange:
-Competitive female Purugly with bad nature.
-Prankster Sableye w/ recover. Relaxed nature (useful in a Trick Room team or M-Sableye). 31 IVs SpD.
-Strong Jaw Tyrunt. Adamant nature.
Thank you so much!
First, I would like to have a Contrary Spinda with Superpower. I tried to catch him in ORAS, but I read that he is no longer obtainable. If anyone can breed one with the DW attack (Superpower) and HA I would greatly appreciate it.
I can give you some Pokémon (or any of them) in exchange:
-Competitive female Purugly with bad nature.
-Strong Jaw Tyrunt. Adamant nature.
Thank you so much!