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[REQUEST] LF: sudowoodo, sunflora, porygon2, smoochum, and blissey for nat. dex
Trying to complete my gen 2 of the national dex and just need these pokemon! Will do trade back if need be Smile

UPDATE: now only need porygon2 and blissey!
I can trade you a Smoochum and a Sudowoodo.
(Oct 22, 2015, 11:04 AM)Eugenio Wrote: I can trade you a Smoochum and a Sudowoodo.

That would be amazing!!
Add me and I'll add you. You can keep the Smoochum and Sudowoodo, just give me whatever you don't need.
Thanks!! Just added, its on my oras so my ign is Blythe I believe
you still need a blissey? i dont need anything in particular in return.
(Oct 22, 2015, 11:54 AM)Jaerri Wrote: you still need a blissey? i dont need anything in particular in return.

yes I do that would be amazing!!
i am online now! Smile and added you to my fl. ready to trade as soon as you can
EDIT: I'm so sorry but i have to go to bed now. it's close to 11pm now here and i have to get up at 5am. i can send you the blissey tomorrow if it's okay with you. you also can look for someone else who'll trade it sooner to you than me Smile.

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