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[REQUEST] Need Phantump to learn a couple moves
So, I'm just starting off shiny hunting in Pokemon Sun. I've tried a couple SOS chains and already gotten a shiny bagon. However, I heard of a method which could make it a lot easier to SOS chain, and it involves getting an exeggute/phantump with harvest and a leppa berry with a certain moveset. I just used the dexnav to get the HA phantump, but I didn't realize how I needed to beat the game to get to the move tutor which teaches the pokemon the moves I need. I was wondering if anyone on here could take my HA phantump and go to the battle resort move tutor and teach it skill swap and trick? I also don't have Pokemon Bank, so it would be a huge help if someone could take that phantump and teach it those moves and send it through pokemon bank to the gen 7 games. I have a few shinies on Pokemon Y if anyone wants one as payment. I also have pokemon sun and I have the phantump on omega ruby. Thanks a lot if anyone can help!
@MCPDGamer I could teach it the moves, but I don't have Bank, either Undecided
I'm back again.
I got the bank so i could do it for u.
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
(Nov 11, 2017, 02:23 PM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote: I got the bank so i could do it for u.

Really? That would be awesome! I'll try to add you as a friend
Ok I'll add u r u ready for the trade ?
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
(Nov 11, 2017, 02:46 PM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote: Ok I'll add u r u ready for the trade ?

Yeah I'm ready
(Nov 11, 2017, 03:00 PM)MCPDGamer Wrote:
(Nov 11, 2017, 02:46 PM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote: Ok I'll add u r u ready for the trade ?

Yeah I'm ready

Hold on for a bit trying to help someone else
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
To OP; Just signed up on this cause I saw post, but I already have what you need in Sun. Its called Infinite Chaining.

I have Gen 6 Harvest Trevenant with Skill Swap and Trick FYI. I send them to people.

Once I'm done on hunt, I will talk to you more, okay?
(Nov 11, 2017, 03:51 PM)dmann Wrote: To OP; Just signed up on this cause I saw post, but I already have what you need in Sun. Its called Infinite Chaining.

I have Gen 6 Harvest Trevenant with Skill Swap and Trick FYI. I send them to people.

Once I'm done on hunt, I will talk to you more, okay?
Ok, that would be really cool! Thanks!
Do u still want me to help u or do u have it already ?
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.

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