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[REQUEST] Someone to give shiny charm?
I have been grinding out the Pokemon in omega ruby and there is no way I can grab all 700 I need. Is there anyone who can let me use their shiny charm, ill give you as many Pokemon as it takes
Not sure what you're asking for...

If you're asking to borrow someone's shiny charm, I don't believe it's an item you can actually transfer.

If you are just needing help completing your pokedex to get one, there are people here willing to help you with that. I've also had a lot of good luck using the GTS to help you complete the dex. Hope this helps!

Side-note: I would recommend going on Youtube and looking up Jwitz's video on shiny hunting. There are a couple of methods not really improved much by the shiny charm for hinting shiny pokemon, so they might be a good starting point for you for shiny hunting. Smile
The shiny charm is a key item so sadly the only way to obtain it is to catch them all. But there are many people here on the site that will help in your completion. Probably
Eckley is best grill
Go on and on, grow into a phenomenon
Wasn't sure if it was needed to be equipped or not. I have seen the video but the GTS is just full of people asking for legendaries for a skitty. The amount of people trading there has reduced which makes it really difficult haha, thanks for the advice
What I did is had an eevee and a ditto in the daycare, and bred a bunh of eevees, putting them up there asking for the unevolved versions of what I needed. I got a LOT of pokemon that way.
@Jackofspades1322 you don't actually need to catch them. Someone can trade them and you can just trade them back Smile quite a few people here have a living Dex I'm sure.
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