Hey, y'all! It's RetroTyphlosion, and I'm here running a breeding service for all who are interested. Basically, I'm breeding competitively IV'd
Pokemon as a service for the community.If you want a Pokemon, @ me in the comments and let me know. Please do tag me, since I'm not going to visit this every hour looking for new requests, it would be really nice if you could just tag me. In other words, just let me know and I'll get to you.
Love you <3
Pokemon as a service for the community.If you want a Pokemon, @ me in the comments and let me know. Please do tag me, since I'm not going to visit this every hour looking for new requests, it would be really nice if you could just tag me. In other words, just let me know and I'll get to you.
- Any Pokémon from the sun and moon Pokédex is allowed. If you want something other than the Pokémon including this, Then you will have to provide it yourself for me to breed with.
- Please, no more than one request at a time from one person. Let others have their turn please
- Please be patient! I do not sit around all day and breed Pokémon nonstop, watching Twitch videos, and spend my entire life playing video games and spending time on this website. I mainly do this in my free time, which is not that often. So if you receive your don't receive your Pokemon right away please be patient. If anyone is being salty, I will ignore their request.
- When your Pokémon has been bred, I will send you a PM notifying you that it is done.
- All Pokémon will be level one, so please don't come along asking for level 100's or anything.
- I am not breeding Shinies. However I will breed you a Pokemon with four IV's that you would like maximized.
- I'm not breeding hidden abilities. So don't ask.
- Not EV training for you. Don't ask about this either.
- Not breeding for specific natures, either.
- If it is taking longer than a week to get you your Pokémon, feel free to PM me!
Love you <3
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega
PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
PM me if you need help with competitive battling!