To me, Anabel was a little easy in Sun and Moon. Shame really. But I have prevailed and successfully recreated Anabel's ORIGINAL EMERALD VERSION TEAM. with a twist Think you can beat her Team? Yeah me too honestly, but anyway, let me know when you want to battle.
- Format is Singles Level 50 only
- Ubers is the tier we'll use
- No mythicals but you may, like Anabel, use up to three legendary Pokemon.
- Have fun
- Please let me know if I can upload our Battle Replay
The first THREE user to battle AND beat me will win a prize.
- 1st person will get a Shiny BR Charizard WITH Y Mega [ @RetroTyphlosion Please claim this asayc]
- Claimed
- 3rd person will get a Gold BottleCap.
VS. @Chansey - HRAW-WWWW-WWW8-L7P6
VS. @RetroTyphlosion - ELHW-WWWW-WWW8-LNVQ
VS. @Chansey [Rematch] - 8UZW-WWWW-WWW8-NXGT
VS. @ElliotProbablyTheBest - VJ3W-WWWW-WWW8-QYBS
- Format is Singles Level 50 only
- Ubers is the tier we'll use
- No mythicals but you may, like Anabel, use up to three legendary Pokemon.
- Have fun
- Please let me know if I can upload our Battle Replay
The first THREE user to battle AND beat me will win a prize.
- 1st person will get a Shiny BR Charizard WITH Y Mega [ @RetroTyphlosion Please claim this asayc]
- Claimed
- 3rd person will get a Gold BottleCap.
VS. @Chansey - HRAW-WWWW-WWW8-L7P6
VS. @RetroTyphlosion - ELHW-WWWW-WWW8-LNVQ
VS. @Chansey [Rematch] - 8UZW-WWWW-WWW8-NXGT
VS. @ElliotProbablyTheBest - VJ3W-WWWW-WWW8-QYBS
Thanks for all the good times~