Jul 1, 2019, 12:12 PM
Hello. I'm looking for a hidden ability Klink or any of its evolution line with Clear Body for my competitive team. I'll be trading these hidden ability dream ball mons:
Abra, Geodude (both forms), Durant, Drowzee, Krabby, Slowpoke, Aerodactyl, Kabuto, Omanyte, Mr.Mime, Porygon, Burmy, Phanpy, Togepi, Croagunk, Driftloon, Igglybuff, Brozer, Shuckle, Munna, Riolu, Sudowoodo, Chinchou, Hoppip, Staryu, Sigilyph, Venipede, Drilbur, Taillow, and Spiritomb.
They don't have any egg moves or great IVs since they are mostly for my collection, but hopefully just their hidden abilities would suffice for the one that I am looking for.
Abra, Geodude (both forms), Durant, Drowzee, Krabby, Slowpoke, Aerodactyl, Kabuto, Omanyte, Mr.Mime, Porygon, Burmy, Phanpy, Togepi, Croagunk, Driftloon, Igglybuff, Brozer, Shuckle, Munna, Riolu, Sudowoodo, Chinchou, Hoppip, Staryu, Sigilyph, Venipede, Drilbur, Taillow, and Spiritomb.
They don't have any egg moves or great IVs since they are mostly for my collection, but hopefully just their hidden abilities would suffice for the one that I am looking for.