Hey all, I've been getting a little bored lately and I wanted to do something unique to get things going for me again. What I want to do is make a unique competitive team and I want your help for it. I want you to choose a Pokemon, preferably something unusual to competitive battling. You can be as in depth as you want to the Pokemon (EVs, IVs, moveset, etc.). The Pokemon doesn't have to be Alolan native. The first 6 people to give me a pokemon will make up the team and can get a copy of it (if they want) when it's done. Thanks in advanced!
Eevee with evoboost + baton pass. I know this is already not that rare, but it's the best thing I can think of to turn any poke into a sweeper.
I did recently see a really strange build for one, tho. The only move it had was Last Resort. I believe it was Adamant with eviolite. It would Z-ex evoboost, while it's teamates would use stuff like wide guard, heal pulse, and follow me.
Two annoying options;
Tropius @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Spd
Nature: Calm
Leech Seed
Air Slash
Leech Seed, Harvest and the Sitrus Berry can be quite difficult to face. Use protect and try to get a harvest on another berry. Using Air Slash can slowly take down the opponent.
Heat Wave
Hidden Power (Fighting)
Boomburst can get a lot of offensive Pokemon, with Choice Scarf useful to outspeed the opponent. Steel types can be cleared with Heat Wave. (As well as ghost types) Hidden Power (Fighting) goes well with the Steel. U-turn if needed.
(Only send out after being knocked out or a switching move, like another U-turn, because Chatot can be quite weak.)