May 17, 2017, 08:31 PM
(This post was last modified: May 19, 2017, 08:22 PM by AbruptFury.)
Welcome back! Long time, no see 4Head ...Well, not really. I just did my last report yesterday. For week 8, my opponent was Alec of the Indianapolis Keldeos. He had recently acquired the mascot of the team, Keldeo, for his match. Definitely a formidable Pokemon. Very fast, and strong with a boosting item. From a quick glance at his team, it looks somewhat bulky, but very offensive. What tricks might I have up my sleeve for him? Let's find out!
I don't remember. Let's find out together!
My Team : M-Pinsir, Clefable, Zygarde-50%, Empoleon, Arcanine, Hitmontop, Vanilluxe, Dhelmise, Heliolisk, Jellicent, Malamar
Mudkiplegend (Indianapolis Keldeos): M-Beedrill, Latios, Marowak-Alola, Swampert, Metagross, Komala, Raichu, Keldeo, Florges, Pangoro, Glaceon
![[Image: pinsir-mega.gif]](
Ludwig (Pinsir) @ Pinsirite
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 188 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Quick Attack
- Earthquake
- Return
- Swords Dance
So immediately I notice that two of his most powerful attackers, which can also outspeed Mega Pinsir, are both weak to Aerialite Quick Attack from it. With a Swords Dance, it would always OHKO Keldeo, but doesn't really need the boost to beat Mega Beedrill since it is so frail physically. Earthquake was mainly for Metagross, which I wouldn't be able to hit for good damage without. And of course I had to run Return because it just destroys teams with a Swords Dance boost.
Due to the speed tiers of Alec's team being very fast or very slow, I decided to only invest in enough speed to outspeed Modest Latias. I couldn't outspeed Timid Latias no matter what. And I just chucked the rest into bulk.
Offensive Calcs:
![[Image: dhelmise.gif]](
Rupert (Dhelmise) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Steelworker
Level: 50
EVs: 60 HP / 212 Atk / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Power Whip
- Shadow Claw
- Anchor Shot
- Rapid Spin
I wanted something to stop Swampert and it's Stealth Rock. I could also test out it's ability to beat spinblockers (i.e, Alolan-Marowak). Power Whip was my best option in taking Swampert out. Shadow Claw was for Pokemon like Alolan-Marowak and Latios. Anchor Shot was to help trap or damage things like Florges. Trapping a Pokemon would make it hard to pull any double-switches into another Pokemon to counter me. And Rapid Spin was for hazard removal.
I wanted Dhelmise to be able to outspeed some of Alec's fast threats while they were paralyzed and eliminate them with powerful and/or supereffective moves. This Dhelmise set could outspeed non-Scarf Timid Latias while Latias is paralyzed. I invested a good amount of EVs into Attack to have it be able to hit my foes hard. And I put the rest into bulk and slapped on an Assault Vest to help take hits better.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: zygarde.gif]](
Oryx (Zygarde) @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Atk / 36 Def / 92 SpD / 20 Spe
Impish Nature
- Glare
- Thousand Arrows
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
This week I decided to use a more defensive Zygarde to sponge hits from Alolan-Marowak and Mega Beedrill. It could also punish things with Glare and Thousand Arrows on the switch. Crippling his fast mons and getting off good damage on anything. Rest and Sleep Talk work to preserve Zygarde so it can continue to beat down Alolan-Marowak, even if it switches around or tries to burn Zygarde with Will-o-Wisp.
I set Zygarde's speed to be 1 point faster than Choice Specs Glaceon, which I felt could be a real threat. Zygarde could eliminate it if it were low on health. Then it would no longer trouble my team. The defensive bulk investment takes Shadow Bone and makes it a 3HKO (assuming no Defense drops). Then it could just rest off the damage and Glare or Thousand Arrows Alolan-Marowak while sleeping. The great thing about Glare is that the only Pokemon that isn't affected by it gets destroyed by Thousand Arrows. Alolan-Raichu. I made Zygarde strong enough to be able to 2HKO 252 HP Metagross most of the time with Thousand Arrows. The rest of the EVs went into special defense to take an Icy Wind from Choice Specs Keldeo if it came down to it. Zygarde is amazingly bulky and I'm glad I found an opportunity to use this set.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: clefable.gif]](
Tatl (Clefable) @ Kebia Berry
Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 12 Def / 244 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Encore
- Moonblast
- Moonlight
- Stealth Rock
The purpose of this set was to stop Pangoro and a Calm Mind Florges sweep. Moonblast would allow me to easily OHKO non-Roseli Berry/Assault Vest Pangoro, but that was perfectly fine. The main set I feared was PANDA. Choice Band Pangoro. Something I was also afraid of was it carrying Gunk Shot. Thus the Kebia Berry. Encore could help me lock a sweeper like CM Keldeo, Florges, or Latios, Nasty Plot Raichu, and Swords Dance Alolan-Marowak or Pangoro. Moonlight was a fine recovery option. Besides, you can't run Softboiled on an Unaware set. Stealth Rock was used to chip Pokemon down.
The massive special bulk was to take some powerful hits from the likes of Latios and Keldeo. The rest was put into defense to help Clefable survive Gunk Shot from Pangoro or Poison Jab from Mega Beedrill better.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: arcanine.gif]](
IAmLegendary (Arcanine) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 12 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Crunch
- Close Combat
I wanted something that could outspeed and kill Mega Beedrill. Choice Scarf Arcanine also has a possibility of taking out non-Scarf Keldeo. It's coverage is wonderful for the matchup. Flare Blitz for Mega Beedrill, Metagross, and Glaceon. Wild Charge for Keldeo. Crunch for Alolan-Marowak and Latios. Close Combat for Pangoro and Komala. Deals with my biggest worries pretty well. Has Intimidate to slow down the hard-hitting physical attackers. The only thing I couldn't hit so well would be defensive Swampert.
I didn't see that much of a reason to run it as fast as possible. Just enough to outspeed Mega Beedrill. That also let me invest more in Attack with Adamant. And I invested in HP and the defenses to be able to come in more times on hazards such as Stealth Rock.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: jellicent.gif]](
Squishy (Jellicent) @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
Level: 50
EVs: 236 HP / 152 SpA / 44 SpD / 76 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Trick Room
- Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Ball
- Recover
Jellicent's main job was to act as a defensive pivot. Bring it in on mons that it's other teammates don't like so much. Like Keldeo. With the combination of Colbur Berry and Dazzling Gleam, it could even deal with Pangoro. Get b8'd m8. Dazzling Gleam could also hit Latios and Keldeo nicely. Shadow Ball helps beat Alolan-Marowak as long Jellicent is faster, which it could be. Either with Trick Room or without. Trick Room could help me get an edge on faster threats. Especially if Alec didn't count for it and decided to go with a faster Alolan-Marowak rather than a Trick Room attacker set. Recover is practically a staple on Jellicent. This thing doesn't go away. It's like a virus. A very squishy, yet tough virus.
Similarly to Dhelmise, I decided to make Jellicent outspeed a paralyzed Latios as well. This Jellicent can take 3 Hidden Power Electrics from Keldeo, meaning that I can stall it out of it's best way of damaging Jellicent. It can also take a Specs Draco Meteor from Latios pretty well. The special attack investment is to help it have better odds of killing Pangoro and Alolan-Marowak. As well as damaging anything else really.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
Here is the battle code: R79W-WWWW-WWW6-THPZ
Week 8: Toronto Maple Leafeons (AbruptFury) .vs. Indianapolis Keldeos (Alec)
Team Alec brought: Raichu, Florges, Keldeo, Swampert, Mega Beedrill, Marowak-Alola
*Don't read the next spoiler or below unless you want to know the outcome or what I was thinking during the match.*
I'm using the numbers on the bottem of the screen during the battle's progression. The turn the first two Pokemon enter is more like a Turn 0 if you will. But in the replay's case, it's Turn 1.
Good game to @Slec ! You beat me down and beat me down and made me cry, just like ya boi Guzma. I liked the Scarf Raichu and physically defensive support Florges. I totally underestimated them. You made the right plays to give you the win. Maybe I should have invested more into Attack to break Florges better. And I definitely made some questionable plays. I could've made the mid-ground play like I did previous times on Raichu by going out into Clefable. I probably should've found a better opportunity to remove Stealth Rock. Maybe by going into Zygarde to force Mega Beedrill to switch and doubling into Dhelmise on Florges coming in. With Assault Vest, I'm pretty sure I would've survived. That would've taken some pressure off of Mega Pinsir. It had limited switch-ins with Stealth Rock up.
I was really hoping to bring the differential a little more in my favour, but ended up with a goose egg at the end of our battle. How ironic is it that my differential was 13-13? Nice and unlucky. I certainly could've played the match a lot better, but didn't. I need to step up game for these last couple of weeks. And for the playoffs, which I very much hope to cut. Maybe I can get past the first round of the playoffs. But I definitely need to start thinking through my plays before I do them. Being vewy vewy caweful.
So with that, my ratio is now 5-3. Still in contention, but barely. 8th place. That puts me in Wild Card contention. The Blue Division has been dominating for most of the season, so I have some stern competition to fight with. Trying to stay in it. But I think I can make it through. Stay tuned for week 9. Coming soon to a forum near you!
See ya later and hope you enjoyed! ^_^
I don't remember. Let's find out together!
The Team Line-ups
My Team : M-Pinsir, Clefable, Zygarde-50%, Empoleon, Arcanine, Hitmontop, Vanilluxe, Dhelmise, Heliolisk, Jellicent, Malamar
Mudkiplegend (Indianapolis Keldeos): M-Beedrill, Latios, Marowak-Alola, Swampert, Metagross, Komala, Raichu, Keldeo, Florges, Pangoro, Glaceon
![[Image: pinsir-mega.gif]](
Ludwig (Pinsir) @ Pinsirite
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 188 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Quick Attack
- Earthquake
- Return
- Swords Dance
So immediately I notice that two of his most powerful attackers, which can also outspeed Mega Pinsir, are both weak to Aerialite Quick Attack from it. With a Swords Dance, it would always OHKO Keldeo, but doesn't really need the boost to beat Mega Beedrill since it is so frail physically. Earthquake was mainly for Metagross, which I wouldn't be able to hit for good damage without. And of course I had to run Return because it just destroys teams with a Swords Dance boost.
Due to the speed tiers of Alec's team being very fast or very slow, I decided to only invest in enough speed to outspeed Modest Latias. I couldn't outspeed Timid Latias no matter what. And I just chucked the rest into bulk.
Offensive Calcs:
![[Image: dhelmise.gif]](
Rupert (Dhelmise) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Steelworker
Level: 50
EVs: 60 HP / 212 Atk / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Power Whip
- Shadow Claw
- Anchor Shot
- Rapid Spin
I wanted something to stop Swampert and it's Stealth Rock. I could also test out it's ability to beat spinblockers (i.e, Alolan-Marowak). Power Whip was my best option in taking Swampert out. Shadow Claw was for Pokemon like Alolan-Marowak and Latios. Anchor Shot was to help trap or damage things like Florges. Trapping a Pokemon would make it hard to pull any double-switches into another Pokemon to counter me. And Rapid Spin was for hazard removal.
I wanted Dhelmise to be able to outspeed some of Alec's fast threats while they were paralyzed and eliminate them with powerful and/or supereffective moves. This Dhelmise set could outspeed non-Scarf Timid Latias while Latias is paralyzed. I invested a good amount of EVs into Attack to have it be able to hit my foes hard. And I put the rest into bulk and slapped on an Assault Vest to help take hits better.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: zygarde.gif]](
Oryx (Zygarde) @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Atk / 36 Def / 92 SpD / 20 Spe
Impish Nature
- Glare
- Thousand Arrows
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
This week I decided to use a more defensive Zygarde to sponge hits from Alolan-Marowak and Mega Beedrill. It could also punish things with Glare and Thousand Arrows on the switch. Crippling his fast mons and getting off good damage on anything. Rest and Sleep Talk work to preserve Zygarde so it can continue to beat down Alolan-Marowak, even if it switches around or tries to burn Zygarde with Will-o-Wisp.
I set Zygarde's speed to be 1 point faster than Choice Specs Glaceon, which I felt could be a real threat. Zygarde could eliminate it if it were low on health. Then it would no longer trouble my team. The defensive bulk investment takes Shadow Bone and makes it a 3HKO (assuming no Defense drops). Then it could just rest off the damage and Glare or Thousand Arrows Alolan-Marowak while sleeping. The great thing about Glare is that the only Pokemon that isn't affected by it gets destroyed by Thousand Arrows. Alolan-Raichu. I made Zygarde strong enough to be able to 2HKO 252 HP Metagross most of the time with Thousand Arrows. The rest of the EVs went into special defense to take an Icy Wind from Choice Specs Keldeo if it came down to it. Zygarde is amazingly bulky and I'm glad I found an opportunity to use this set.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: clefable.gif]](
Tatl (Clefable) @ Kebia Berry
Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 12 Def / 244 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Encore
- Moonblast
- Moonlight
- Stealth Rock
The purpose of this set was to stop Pangoro and a Calm Mind Florges sweep. Moonblast would allow me to easily OHKO non-Roseli Berry/Assault Vest Pangoro, but that was perfectly fine. The main set I feared was PANDA. Choice Band Pangoro. Something I was also afraid of was it carrying Gunk Shot. Thus the Kebia Berry. Encore could help me lock a sweeper like CM Keldeo, Florges, or Latios, Nasty Plot Raichu, and Swords Dance Alolan-Marowak or Pangoro. Moonlight was a fine recovery option. Besides, you can't run Softboiled on an Unaware set. Stealth Rock was used to chip Pokemon down.
The massive special bulk was to take some powerful hits from the likes of Latios and Keldeo. The rest was put into defense to help Clefable survive Gunk Shot from Pangoro or Poison Jab from Mega Beedrill better.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: arcanine.gif]](
IAmLegendary (Arcanine) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 12 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Crunch
- Close Combat
I wanted something that could outspeed and kill Mega Beedrill. Choice Scarf Arcanine also has a possibility of taking out non-Scarf Keldeo. It's coverage is wonderful for the matchup. Flare Blitz for Mega Beedrill, Metagross, and Glaceon. Wild Charge for Keldeo. Crunch for Alolan-Marowak and Latios. Close Combat for Pangoro and Komala. Deals with my biggest worries pretty well. Has Intimidate to slow down the hard-hitting physical attackers. The only thing I couldn't hit so well would be defensive Swampert.
I didn't see that much of a reason to run it as fast as possible. Just enough to outspeed Mega Beedrill. That also let me invest more in Attack with Adamant. And I invested in HP and the defenses to be able to come in more times on hazards such as Stealth Rock.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: jellicent.gif]](
Squishy (Jellicent) @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
Level: 50
EVs: 236 HP / 152 SpA / 44 SpD / 76 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Trick Room
- Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Ball
- Recover
Jellicent's main job was to act as a defensive pivot. Bring it in on mons that it's other teammates don't like so much. Like Keldeo. With the combination of Colbur Berry and Dazzling Gleam, it could even deal with Pangoro. Get b8'd m8. Dazzling Gleam could also hit Latios and Keldeo nicely. Shadow Ball helps beat Alolan-Marowak as long Jellicent is faster, which it could be. Either with Trick Room or without. Trick Room could help me get an edge on faster threats. Especially if Alec didn't count for it and decided to go with a faster Alolan-Marowak rather than a Trick Room attacker set. Recover is practically a staple on Jellicent. This thing doesn't go away. It's like a virus. A very squishy, yet tough virus.
Similarly to Dhelmise, I decided to make Jellicent outspeed a paralyzed Latios as well. This Jellicent can take 3 Hidden Power Electrics from Keldeo, meaning that I can stall it out of it's best way of damaging Jellicent. It can also take a Specs Draco Meteor from Latios pretty well. The special attack investment is to help it have better odds of killing Pangoro and Alolan-Marowak. As well as damaging anything else really.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
The Aftermath
Here is the battle code: R79W-WWWW-WWW6-THPZ
Week 8: Toronto Maple Leafeons (AbruptFury) .vs. Indianapolis Keldeos (Alec)
Team Alec brought: Raichu, Florges, Keldeo, Swampert, Mega Beedrill, Marowak-Alola
*Don't read the next spoiler or below unless you want to know the outcome or what I was thinking during the match.*
Turn by Turn Analysis
I'm using the numbers on the bottem of the screen during the battle's progression. The turn the first two Pokemon enter is more like a Turn 0 if you will. But in the replay's case, it's Turn 1.
In Conclusion
Good game to @Slec ! You beat me down and beat me down and made me cry, just like ya boi Guzma. I liked the Scarf Raichu and physically defensive support Florges. I totally underestimated them. You made the right plays to give you the win. Maybe I should have invested more into Attack to break Florges better. And I definitely made some questionable plays. I could've made the mid-ground play like I did previous times on Raichu by going out into Clefable. I probably should've found a better opportunity to remove Stealth Rock. Maybe by going into Zygarde to force Mega Beedrill to switch and doubling into Dhelmise on Florges coming in. With Assault Vest, I'm pretty sure I would've survived. That would've taken some pressure off of Mega Pinsir. It had limited switch-ins with Stealth Rock up.
I was really hoping to bring the differential a little more in my favour, but ended up with a goose egg at the end of our battle. How ironic is it that my differential was 13-13? Nice and unlucky. I certainly could've played the match a lot better, but didn't. I need to step up game for these last couple of weeks. And for the playoffs, which I very much hope to cut. Maybe I can get past the first round of the playoffs. But I definitely need to start thinking through my plays before I do them. Being vewy vewy caweful.
So with that, my ratio is now 5-3. Still in contention, but barely. 8th place. That puts me in Wild Card contention. The Blue Division has been dominating for most of the season, so I have some stern competition to fight with. Trying to stay in it. But I think I can make it through. Stay tuned for week 9. Coming soon to a forum near you!
See ya later and hope you enjoyed! ^_^