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[SUN/MOON] Trading shiny pokemon
So, im looking for trades to the following pokemon on the version Sun and Moon 

Pokemon i desire (it can be their evolutions too): DuskullYamaskFrillishHonedgeOricorio (ghost)FroslassSableyeMimikyu.

I have an pokebank acount so i can transfer the pokemon that are not in Sun and Moon 

Pokemon i can give: Toxicroak, Luvdisk, Politoed, Goldeen, Flabébé, Carvanha, Sawk, Barboach, Remoraid, Chatot, Corsola, Gulpin, Beware, Kangaskan, Zubat, Grubbin, Relicanth.

If i dont respond in time, pelase be patient, as soon as possible im going to answer you.
The first request to a valid trade will have trade priority than other of the same pokemon.
Lol well I have a shiny oricorio but it's adamant nature, also got 5iv shiny Mimikyu if you'd be interested in trading for remoraid grubbin or gulpin? Could I get a lil more info on them btw?
What are the politoed and corsola like iv and nature wise? And what ball is the corsola in?
(Jun 6, 2017, 11:48 AM)wartty Wrote: Lol well I have a shiny oricorio but it's adamant nature, also got 5iv shiny Mimikyu if you'd be interested in trading for remoraid grubbin or gulpin? Could I get a lil more info on them btw?

i dnt care about stats cause shiny are like trophies for me, if u want i can trade.
Glupin: judge avaliated his hp between 16 to 25, its female, has liquid ooze, lvl10, Serious
remoraid: judge avaliated his hp between 26 to 30, its male, has Hustle, lvl25, quircky
(Jun 6, 2017, 03:09 PM)Cubby Gamer Wrote: What are the politoed and corsola like iv and nature wise? And what ball is the corsola in?

politoed: female, judge gave her special defence between 26 to 30, has Damp, lvl25, lonely
corsola: female, judge gave her hp and special attack 2 perfect ivs, has natural cure, lvl35, lonely (quick ball)

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