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Spooky Cup competition!
Hey guys! I was wondering how many of you were entering the upcoming Spooky Cup competition? I'm considering doing it and was wondering which pokemon you guys thought would be popular for it. Can't decide whether to look at it in a super competitive fashion, or to just use it as an opportunity to use some random pokemon that don't get much play. Thanks!
I've been doing a lot of snooping on this. There is a room on pokemonshowdown for it and a lot of people are on it. I've seen the allowed pranksters setting up rain a lot. There's some dry skin pokemon allowed who were able to take real advantage of it (parasect and toxicroak are good examples). There's also a kind of silly strat using basculin to soak shedinja going around. I think that rotom and prankster taunt are gonna be too common for this though.

It also looks like Hydreigon and Volcarona are gonna be a major threats to watch out for. There's others but these two have gotten a lot of chatter.

Watch out for pikachu, he is deadly.
(Oct 9, 2015, 05:16 PM)bradar485 Wrote: I've been doing a lot of snooping on this. There is a room on pokemonshowdown for it and a lot of people are on it. I've seen the allowed pranksters setting up rain a lot. There's some dry skin pokemon allowed who were able to take real advantage of it (parasect and toxicroak are good examples). There's also a kind of silly strat using basculin to soak shedinja going around. I think that rotom and prankster taunt are gonna be too common for this though.

It also looks like Hydreigon and Volcarona are gonna be a major threats to watch out for. There's others but these two have gotten a lot of chatter.

Watch out for pikachu, he is deadly.

Thanks so much for this!! I will have check out showdown. I really want to use Gourgeist just because but don't really have any strategy planned haha.
It could be good. I could see that trick or treat move doing some work in this. Adding ghost to the non ghosts to do super effective damage. That move is also hilarious to use against curse sweepers on the rare occasion one comes along. And it's typing would be good against the rain teams that are showing up.
What I read from somewhere was that Mr Mime can be an unexpected threat. Uninvested, it can OHKO a defensively uninvested Hydreigon with Dazzling Gleam. It has access to Fake Out, Wide Guard and Quick Guard, but it can also be used to set up screens.

Gonna try out a Mr Mime myself actually.
I'm banking on Volcarona and Rotom-W myself.
Also, what I'm playing around with right now is a Noivern/Spiritomb duo, so that Noivern can use Boomburst without having to worry about his partner. And Spiritomb can use Will-o-Wisp, Rest, Double Team, and overall be a giant pain in everybody's derrière, while still having access to Dark Pulse, since that's STAB/super effective against the ghost types that Boomburst can't hit.

I also would like something with a STAB fairy move to counter the swarm of Hydreigon we're definitely gonna get, but Mr Mime creeps me out. Sad
(Oct 10, 2015, 01:17 AM)Mutt Wrote: I'm banking on Volcarona and Rotom-W myself.
Also, what I'm playing around with right now is a Noivern/Spiritomb duo, so that Noivern can use Boomburst without having to worry about his partner. And Spiritomb can use Will-o-Wisp, Rest, Double Team, and overall be a giant pain in everybody's derrière, while still having access to Dark Pulse, since that's STAB/super effective against the ghost types that Boomburst can't hit.

DOUBLE TEAM SPIRITOMB... *Cynthia flashbacks*

I faced a similar duo on Battle Spot yesterday, but with Prankster Sableye dishing out Will-o-Wisps, and Feint to lift off Protects. And then it would Recover.
This got me thinking that I should maybe try out a Noivern myself. Possibly to replace Hydreigon. I liked the Boomburst, but the only thing unfortunately is that many of the opponents are going to be Ghosts.
EDIT: ..... but you had that covered with the Spiritomb already.

My teambuilding is still a mess. Right now I have a Bulkarona-Toxicroak-Hydreigon-Liepard-Mr Mime set, but I don't have any ideas as to the sixth member. Thinking of Rotom-W, because I have a fondness for Rotom. AND I can't decide between Wide Guard and Quick Guard on the Mr Mime.

Wide Guard could protect me from Dusknoir Rock Slides that Volcarona doesn't appreciate, as well as from the mentioned Boomburst.

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