Feb 6, 2018, 11:16 PM
Greetings, mes amies! This is once again Tommy aka AbruptFury. I am the coach of the Toronto Maple Leafeons. And I am here to give you my report for my latest match.
This week, I faced yet another newcomer to the National Battling Association. His name is Ryo. He has himself a Youtube with some other league stuff he has doing, so I know that he is experienced in the format. His team is also ungodly bulky. Clefable, Suicune, Celesteela, and Cresselia. All Pokemon that are tough to break. He also managed to get himself Krookodile and Arcanine, so he has that Intimidate option, and rounds out his bulk with some heavy offensive power. They are probably two of the best Pokemon of their types to have in a league format. I myself have drafted Arcanine many a time. So let's see if we can't BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!
My Team : Kyurem-B, Scizor, Sylveon, Vaporeon, Salazzle(Z), Zoroark, Electivire(Z), Dhelmise, Donphan, Mesprit(Z), Sawk
Ryo (Pittsburgh Huge Powers): Celesteela, Latios, Cresselia, Krookodile(Z), Arcanine(Z), Froslass, Roselia, Clefable, Hitmonlee, Piloswine, Suicune(Z)
![[Image: kyurem-black.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani/kyurem-black.gif)
Bane (Kyurem-Black) @ Life Orb
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Ice Beam
- Iron Head
- Fusion Bolt
- Roost
Kyurem-Black has an extremely good matchup against my opponent's team. The type coverage in it's movepool is absolutely perfect here. Ice Beam hurts Latios, Krookodile, and Roselia (as well as most other things). Iron Head breaks Clefable, Froslass, and Piloswine. And Fusion Bolt hits Celesteela and Suicune for big damage. Fusion Bolt can also KO his Hitmonlee if it switches in. Initially, I wanted Substitute on this set, but Life Orb attacks were so good, and Life Orb can really chip down my main attacker. So I decided that Roost would be the better way to go. I could've just relied on Vaporeon, but it wouldn't have been too good if I lost it. Eventually, Kyurem-B would probably succumb to the Life Orb recoil and Stealth Rock (if I weren't able to remove it).
Offensive Calcs:
![[Image: vaporeon.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani-shiny/vaporeon.gif)
Ariel (Vaporeon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Wish
- Protect
- Haze
Vaporeon has been very useful in taking hits this season, and stalling teams out. Welllll that's what I'm hoping it can do again this week. With strong offensive threats like Krookodile and Arcanine, I knew I wanted something that could deal with both of them well. Sylveon can take hits from Krookodile, but Arcanine resists Fairy type moves and could bop it around while Sylveon struggles to stall it. Of course - with Vaporeon, you gotta watch out for the Wild Charge from Arcanine, but I felt confident in my ability to deal with it after my match against Thunderpunch Buzzwole, and with the rest of the team that I decided to bring. Scald could deal major damage to Krookodile and Arcanine, as well as snag a nice burn. Wish and Protect are pretty standard for me. They just help with healing and scouting. Haze, however, was for this matchup specifically. I didn't feel like Roar would be enough, especially if the match came down to last mon Suicune, because then I wouldn't be able to phaze it out into another Pokemon. Ryo's team has a ton of setup capability in Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Moxie, and Beast Boost.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: salazzle.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani-shiny/salazzle.gif)
Lisa Simpson (Salazzle) @ Poisonium Z
Ability: Corrosion
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 56 HP / 252 SpA / 200 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Sludge Wave
- Encore
- Nasty Plot
Salazzle has another good matchup this week. Which is very good. I'm glad I can get some use out this pick, since I was so on the fence about it. Another Nasty Plot set to be able to sweep my opponent if I can get going. This also works best if I can get rid of some items on my opponent's Pokemon, so I tried to incorporate some Knock Off onto my team as you will see later on. Flamethrower does a number to Celesteela, Roselia, Froslass, and even Eviolite Piloswine. Sludge Wave hits Clefable. If Salazzle has a Nasty Plot boost, nothing is really safe. Especially if I get chip on certain Pokemon like Suicune and Cresselia. Poisonium Z is meant for those two if I can get a little bit of chip onto Clefable. Having it switch into one of my Knock Off users would be ideal, since it might be Magic Guard instead of Unaware, and won't take hazard damage. Encore is meant to look something like Clefable, Roselia, or Froslass into a move that can't really do much to Salazzle. This could work after one of my Pokemon get taken out or on a good switch. Otherwise, I might take some unnecessary damage or status move. This would make it easy to get off a Nasty Plot to help sweep Ryo's team.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: scizor.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani/scizor.gif)
Dr Claw (Scizor) @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Defog
I knew Scizor's Banded U-turn would be useful to have in this matchup. Big damage off on Cresselia and Suicune. Gets me out of an Arcanine switch in so that I may go into something with a better matchup. Bullet Punch is amazing when it comes to revenge killing weakened foes and frail Pokemon like Hitmonlee and Froslass. It would also be a good way of dealing with Clefable, a very defensive Pokemon. Knock Off helps remove items like a Choice Scarf on Latios, Krookodile, and Arcanine, Leftovers on Clefable, Suicune, and Celesteela, and Eviolite on Piloswine. All these things would help Salazzle immensely. And Defog was a bit of filler, but also for the fact that I had no other hazard control. Choice Band gives Scizor a lot of power in beating Pokemon down with it's attacks.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: electivire.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani/electivire.gif)
Spark Plug (Electivire) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 232 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge
- Ice Punch
- Low Sweep
- Toxic
Electivire was meant to deal with Celesteela and Suicune, two big threats that my opponent would likely bring. They can be tough, bulky sweepers. Wild Charge would beat them down nice though. Ice Punch was for Latios, Krookodile, and Roselia. Low Sweep was mostly meant to slow things down (such as Krookodile, Arcanine, and Latios), but could also damage Krookodile and Piloswine. Toxic was for wearing down bulky threats like Cresselia and Suicune if they didn't have Rest. This was probably one of the more essential teammates for this match. I needed to be wary of Krookodile and Earthquake/Stomping Tantrum from Celesteela though.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
![[Image: donphan.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani/donphan.gif)
Dumbo (Donphan) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 240 HP / 24 Atk / 236 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Roar
Donphan could tank hits from the likes of Hitmonlee (which nothing else really wanted to), Krookodile, and Arcanine. It was my way of setting up Stealth Rock this week, which I knew I wanted to have against this kind of team. It helped Salazzle's offensive damage output and made it easier for Salazzle to stay alive because it didn't have to risk missing out on the KO. Earthquake would make quick work of Arcanine without recovery, Krookodile, and Hitmonlee. |Knock Off would get rid of pesky items. And Roar would force the switch on a Pokemon that was trying to set up on me. Extremely useful against Suicune and Cresselia which could otherwise just set up in front of it without fearing much.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
Here is the battle link: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/battl...ague-32795
Week 5: Toronto Maple Leafeons (AbruptFury) vs. Pittsburgh Huge Powers (Ryohyamaru)
Team that Ryo brought: Latios, Celesteela, Arcanine, Roselia, Piloswine, Krookodile
Good game to Ryo! Now - it turned out that Ryo had actually mistakenly prepped for the other Toronto team in the league, the Toronto Staraptors. But in a weird twist of fate, his sets actually kind of worked. Yes, he did leave himself open to be beat by Kyurem-B (since he didn't have a Choice Scarf user or Dragon type move on Latios), but Roselia did a good job in pressuring my Vaporeon's Wish pass support. Everything took a good amount of damage from it, especially after Scizor went down. And the Stealth Rock was weakening my team with every switch I made, so I had to make that Donphan sac to get back some momentum. And the Latios set probably would have won him the game, or beat my team down enough to where he would have won, if he had flinched my Vaporeon to death with Zen Headbutt. The burn was basically needed for me to be able to close out the game safely. That way, Latios couldn't break my Vaporeon. Also, shoutout to Vaporeon for being a glorious wall. But yeah, if there was anything I could take away from that match, it was how thinking out of the box can be a really innovative way of playing this game we call Pokemon.
So week 5 has come to close and we are still standing pretty strong. Next, we face the Miami Mimikyus. They are coached by Connor. Another newcomer to our league. Really make you wonder just how many originals are around when there are so many new faces. Connor's team is very well balanced. It resembles something that Ralker used last season to great success. Connor is currently the last undefeated coach in our league. Let's see if we can't change that, huh. This is Tommy aka AbruptFury, signing out!
This week, I faced yet another newcomer to the National Battling Association. His name is Ryo. He has himself a Youtube with some other league stuff he has doing, so I know that he is experienced in the format. His team is also ungodly bulky. Clefable, Suicune, Celesteela, and Cresselia. All Pokemon that are tough to break. He also managed to get himself Krookodile and Arcanine, so he has that Intimidate option, and rounds out his bulk with some heavy offensive power. They are probably two of the best Pokemon of their types to have in a league format. I myself have drafted Arcanine many a time. So let's see if we can't BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!
The Team Line-ups
My Team : Kyurem-B, Scizor, Sylveon, Vaporeon, Salazzle(Z), Zoroark, Electivire(Z), Dhelmise, Donphan, Mesprit(Z), Sawk
Ryo (Pittsburgh Huge Powers): Celesteela, Latios, Cresselia, Krookodile(Z), Arcanine(Z), Froslass, Roselia, Clefable, Hitmonlee, Piloswine, Suicune(Z)
The Game Plan
![[Image: kyurem-black.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani/kyurem-black.gif)
Bane (Kyurem-Black) @ Life Orb
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Ice Beam
- Iron Head
- Fusion Bolt
- Roost
Kyurem-Black has an extremely good matchup against my opponent's team. The type coverage in it's movepool is absolutely perfect here. Ice Beam hurts Latios, Krookodile, and Roselia (as well as most other things). Iron Head breaks Clefable, Froslass, and Piloswine. And Fusion Bolt hits Celesteela and Suicune for big damage. Fusion Bolt can also KO his Hitmonlee if it switches in. Initially, I wanted Substitute on this set, but Life Orb attacks were so good, and Life Orb can really chip down my main attacker. So I decided that Roost would be the better way to go. I could've just relied on Vaporeon, but it wouldn't have been too good if I lost it. Eventually, Kyurem-B would probably succumb to the Life Orb recoil and Stealth Rock (if I weren't able to remove it).
Offensive Calcs:
- Speedties other base 95s like Arcanine.
- 252 SpA Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Latios: 330-393 (109.6 - 130.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- 4 Atk Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Fusion Bolt vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Celesteela: 291-343 (86.8 - 102.3%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
- 252 SpA Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Krookodile: 484-569 (146.2 - 171.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- 4 Atk Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Fusion Bolt vs. 252 HP / 132+ Def Celesteela: 234-276 (58.7 - 69.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 SpA Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Arcanine: 291-343 (75.9 - 89.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
- 4 Atk Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Iron Head vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Froslass: 320-377 (113.8 - 134.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- 4 Atk Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 211-250 (53.5 - 63.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 4 Atk Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Piloswine: 192-229 (47.5 - 56.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
- 4 Atk Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Fusion Bolt vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Hitmonlee: 246-290 (102 - 120.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- 4 Atk Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-Black Fusion Bolt vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Suicune: 265-315 (65.5 - 77.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
![[Image: vaporeon.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani-shiny/vaporeon.gif)
Ariel (Vaporeon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Wish
- Protect
- Haze
Vaporeon has been very useful in taking hits this season, and stalling teams out. Welllll that's what I'm hoping it can do again this week. With strong offensive threats like Krookodile and Arcanine, I knew I wanted something that could deal with both of them well. Sylveon can take hits from Krookodile, but Arcanine resists Fairy type moves and could bop it around while Sylveon struggles to stall it. Of course - with Vaporeon, you gotta watch out for the Wild Charge from Arcanine, but I felt confident in my ability to deal with it after my match against Thunderpunch Buzzwole, and with the rest of the team that I decided to bring. Scald could deal major damage to Krookodile and Arcanine, as well as snag a nice burn. Wish and Protect are pretty standard for me. They just help with healing and scouting. Haze, however, was for this matchup specifically. I didn't feel like Roar would be enough, especially if the match came down to last mon Suicune, because then I wouldn't be able to phaze it out into another Pokemon. Ryo's team has a ton of setup capability in Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Moxie, and Beast Boost.
Offensive Calcs:
- 4 SpA Vaporeon Scald vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Arcanine: 224-266 (69.7 - 82.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- 4 SpA Vaporeon Scald vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Krookodile: 254-300 (76.7 - 90.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- 4 SpA Vaporeon Scald vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Hitmonlee: 87-103 (36 - 42.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Defensive Calcs:
- +3 0 SpA Suicune Hidden Power Electric vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Vaporeon: 206-244 (44.3 - 52.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252+ SpA Celesteela Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Vaporeon: 164-194 (35.3 - 41.8%) -- 83.4% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 Atk Arcanine Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vaporeon: 334-394 (71.9 - 84.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 Atk Choice Band Arcanine Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vaporeon: 258-304 (55.6 - 65.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 Atk Life Orb Arcanine Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vaporeon: 224-265 (48.2 - 57.1%) -- 36.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 Atk Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vaporeon: 150-177 (32.3 - 38.1%) -- 0.8% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 Atk Choice Band Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vaporeon: 223-264 (48 - 56.8%) -- 36.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252+ Atk Reckless Hitmonlee High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vaporeon: 261-307 (56.2 - 66.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery | I can Protect and gain enough recovery from Lefties to live the next hit. Hi Jump Kick crash does 50% to him.
![[Image: salazzle.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani-shiny/salazzle.gif)
Lisa Simpson (Salazzle) @ Poisonium Z
Ability: Corrosion
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 56 HP / 252 SpA / 200 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Sludge Wave
- Encore
- Nasty Plot
Salazzle has another good matchup this week. Which is very good. I'm glad I can get some use out this pick, since I was so on the fence about it. Another Nasty Plot set to be able to sweep my opponent if I can get going. This also works best if I can get rid of some items on my opponent's Pokemon, so I tried to incorporate some Knock Off onto my team as you will see later on. Flamethrower does a number to Celesteela, Roselia, Froslass, and even Eviolite Piloswine. Sludge Wave hits Clefable. If Salazzle has a Nasty Plot boost, nothing is really safe. Especially if I get chip on certain Pokemon like Suicune and Cresselia. Poisonium Z is meant for those two if I can get a little bit of chip onto Clefable. Having it switch into one of my Knock Off users would be ideal, since it might be Magic Guard instead of Unaware, and won't take hazard damage. Encore is meant to look something like Clefable, Roselia, or Froslass into a move that can't really do much to Salazzle. This could work after one of my Pokemon get taken out or on a good switch. Otherwise, I might take some unnecessary damage or status move. This would make it easy to get off a Nasty Plot to help sweep Ryo's team.
Offensive Calcs:
- Outspeeds max speed Latios and Froslass by 2 points. Couldn't just make it one.
- 252 SpA Salazzle Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 124 SpD Celesteela: 234-276 (58.7 - 69.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 SpA Salazzle Flamethrower vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Celesteela: 260-308 (77.3 - 91.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- +2 252 SpA Salazzle Flamethrower vs. 232 HP / 24 SpD Eviolite Thick Fat Piloswine: 254-302 (63.6 - 75.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- +2 252 SpA Salazzle Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 40 SpD Suicune: 237-280 (58.6 - 69.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- +2 252 SpA Salazzle Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Suicune: 246-289 (72.1 - 84.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 SpA Salazzle Acid Downpour (175 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable: 558-656 (141.6 - 166.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 SpA Salazzle Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable: 306-360 (77.6 - 91.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- +2 252 SpA Salazzle Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Latios: 255-301 (84.7 - 100%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
- +2 252 SpA Salazzle Flamethrower vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Krookodile: 351-414 (106 - 125%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- +2 252 SpA Salazzle Sludge Wave vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Arcanine: 334-394 (87.2 - 102.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
- +2 252 SpA Salazzle Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Arcanine: 334-394 (104 - 122.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Defensive Calcs:
- 0 SpA Suicune Scald vs. 56 HP / 0 SpD Salazzle: 240-284 (82.4 - 97.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- 252+ Atk Piloswine Ice Shard vs. 56 HP / 0 Def Salazzle: 45-54 (15.4 - 18.5%) -- possible 6HKO
- 252 Atk Choice Band Arcanine Extreme Speed vs. 56 HP / 0 Def Salazzle: 175-207 (60.1 - 71.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
![[Image: scizor.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani/scizor.gif)
Dr Claw (Scizor) @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Defog
I knew Scizor's Banded U-turn would be useful to have in this matchup. Big damage off on Cresselia and Suicune. Gets me out of an Arcanine switch in so that I may go into something with a better matchup. Bullet Punch is amazing when it comes to revenge killing weakened foes and frail Pokemon like Hitmonlee and Froslass. It would also be a good way of dealing with Clefable, a very defensive Pokemon. Knock Off helps remove items like a Choice Scarf on Latios, Krookodile, and Arcanine, Leftovers on Clefable, Suicune, and Celesteela, and Eviolite on Piloswine. All these things would help Salazzle immensely. And Defog was a bit of filler, but also for the fact that I had no other hazard control. Choice Band gives Scizor a lot of power in beating Pokemon down with it's attacks.
Offensive Calcs:
- 252+ Atk Choice Band Scizor U-turn vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Cresselia: 242-288 (54.5 - 64.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252+ Atk Choice Band Scizor U-turn vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Suicune: 168-198 (49.1 - 57.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
- 252+ Atk Choice Band Scizor U-turn vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Latios: 452-534 (150.1 - 177.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- 252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 284-336 (72 - 85.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- -1 252+ Atk Choice Band Scizor U-turn vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Krookodile: 302-356 (91.2 - 107.5%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
- 252+ Atk Choice Band Scizor U-turn vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Krookodile: 452-534 (136.5 - 161.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- 252+ Atk Choice Band Scizor U-turn vs. 252 HP / 32 Def Eviolite Roselia: 220-261 (72.3 - 85.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- 252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 232 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Piloswine: 260-308 (65.1 - 77.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO | Knock Off + Bullet Punch will easily beat it.
- 252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Hitmonlee: 267-315 (110.7 - 130.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- -1 252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Arcanine: 45-53 (11.7 - 13.8%) -- possibly the worst move ever | Just in case it is within range, I don't have to risk anything else on the switch.
- - 252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Froslass: 434-512 (153.9 - 181.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Defensive Calcs:
- 252 SpA Suicune Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Scizor: 168-198 (59.7 - 70.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- +1 4 SpA Cresselia Hidden Power Fire vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Scizor: 248-292 (88.2 - 103.9%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
- 252 Atk Krookodile Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Scizor: 153-180 (54.4 - 64%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
![[Image: electivire.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani/electivire.gif)
Spark Plug (Electivire) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 232 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge
- Ice Punch
- Low Sweep
- Toxic
Electivire was meant to deal with Celesteela and Suicune, two big threats that my opponent would likely bring. They can be tough, bulky sweepers. Wild Charge would beat them down nice though. Ice Punch was for Latios, Krookodile, and Roselia. Low Sweep was mostly meant to slow things down (such as Krookodile, Arcanine, and Latios), but could also damage Krookodile and Piloswine. Toxic was for wearing down bulky threats like Cresselia and Suicune if they didn't have Rest. This was probably one of the more essential teammates for this match. I needed to be wary of Krookodile and Earthquake/Stomping Tantrum from Celesteela though.
Offensive Calcs:
- Outspeeds max speed Krookodile by 1 point.
- 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Wild Charge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Celesteela: 331-391 (98.8 - 116.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
- 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Wild Charge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Suicune: 302-355 (88.5 - 104.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
- 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Suicune: 305-360 (75.4 - 89.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Low Sweep vs. 232 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Piloswine: 134-158 (33.5 - 39.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
- 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Low Sweep vs. 232 HP / 0 Def Piloswine: 199-235 (49.8 - 58.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
- -1 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Low Sweep vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Krookodile: 132-156 (39.8 - 47.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
- -1 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Krookodile: 151-180 (45.6 - 54.3%) -- 54.3% chance to 2HKO
- 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Low Sweep vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Krookodile: 197-233 (59.5 - 70.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Krookodile: 228-269 (68.8 - 81.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latios: 228-269 (75.7 - 89.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 Atk Expert Belt Electivire Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 32 Def Eviolite Roselia: 223-264 (73.3 - 86.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Defensive Calcs:
- 252+ Atk Celesteela Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 24 Def Electivire: 270-318 (92.7 - 109.2%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
- 252 SpA Suicune Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Electivire: 160-190 (54.9 - 65.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
![[Image: donphan.gif]](http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani/donphan.gif)
Dumbo (Donphan) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 240 HP / 24 Atk / 236 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Roar
Donphan could tank hits from the likes of Hitmonlee (which nothing else really wanted to), Krookodile, and Arcanine. It was my way of setting up Stealth Rock this week, which I knew I wanted to have against this kind of team. It helped Salazzle's offensive damage output and made it easier for Salazzle to stay alive because it didn't have to risk missing out on the KO. Earthquake would make quick work of Arcanine without recovery, Krookodile, and Hitmonlee. |Knock Off would get rid of pesky items. And Roar would force the switch on a Pokemon that was trying to set up on me. Extremely useful against Suicune and Cresselia which could otherwise just set up in front of it without fearing much.
Offensive Calcs:
- Speed creeps speedcreeping Piloswine (since both are in the same speed tier, but tend to run full bulk).
- 24 Atk Donphan Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Arcanine: 308-366 (95.9 - 114%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
- 24 Atk Donphan Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Krookodile: 154-183 (46.5 - 55.2%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
- -1 24 Atk Donphan Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Krookodile: 103-123 (31.1 - 37.1%) -- 100% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock
- 24 Atk Donphan Earthquake vs. 232 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Piloswine: 103-123 (25.8 - 30.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO | Good calc for knowing if I should attack or switch.
- 24 Atk Donphan Earthquake vs. 232 HP / 0 Def Piloswine: 154-183 (38.5 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
- 24 Atk Donphan Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Hitmonlee: 211-250 (87.5 - 103.7%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
- 24 Atk Donphan Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Latios: 200-236 (66.4 - 78.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
- 24 Atk Donphan Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Cresselia: 108-128 (24.3 - 28.8%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery | No guarantee that Substitute would remain intact.
- 24 Atk Donphan Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Froslass: 222-262 (79 - 93.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
Defensive Calcs:
- 252 Atk Choice Band Krookodile Earthquake vs. 240 HP / 236+ Def Donphan: 145-172 (38 - 45.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252 Atk Life Orb Arcanine Flare Blitz vs. 240 HP / 236+ Def Donphan: 146-173 (38.3 - 45.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252+ Atk Reckless Hitmonlee High Jump Kick vs. 240 HP / 236+ Def Donphan: 169-201 (44.3 - 52.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
The Aftermath
Here is the battle link: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/battl...ague-32795
Week 5: Toronto Maple Leafeons (AbruptFury) vs. Pittsburgh Huge Powers (Ryohyamaru)
Team that Ryo brought: Latios, Celesteela, Arcanine, Roselia, Piloswine, Krookodile
Match Summary and Explanations
- I decided to lead my Donphan to get up rocks in the beginning of the match. I figured he might just do the same. I led Donphan into Latios.
- I just decided to get up my Stealth Rock as he reveals himself to be Hidden Power Ice.
- Knowing that he can't touch my Scizor with his Latios, I switch into Scizor as he makes a great read and goes into Arcanine.
- That play forced me into a position where I had to take either a Flare Blitz or Wild Charge/Gigavolt Havoc. I decided to risk the Electric attack and went Vaporeon. He just goes for an Extremespeed, but unfortunately it gets a crit.
- An Electric attack would be the end of Vaporeon, but a good prediction with Arcanine could get him some good damage against Electivire while I try to get the Motor Drive boost. So I just went for Protect trying to see what he wanted to go for. He went into Roselia.
- Fearing the Grass type move, I brought in my Kyurem-Black. Roselia goes for Leaf Storm and it does a huge chunk. This all but confirms that that thing is Choice Specs.
- Since he lost a lot of offense pressure with the Special Attack drop, I decided to go for a safe Roost as he switched out Roselia for Piloswine.
- I knew I wouldn't be able to more than a 3HKO against Eviolite Piloswine, so I swapped Kyurem-B out for Vaporeon. Vaporeon took the Earthquake not as good as I'd hoped.
- I risked the crit and went for Wish. I did not get crit and lived to Protect the next turn. Piloswine got up it's Stealth Rock.
- I went for another Wish as Roselia came in. I let my Vaporeon have it to keep it healthy because I knew it was important for the matchup. It could reliably switch in to his threats so well.
- However, Roselia forced me to switch again. This time into Scizor, who took the attack better than Kyurem-B. Nice 4x resist.
- So he goes into Celesteela. I knew he would want to switch, so I tried to knock off and important item. Leftovers on Celesteela wasn't really anything scaring me, but it's nice that it lost it's recovery item.
- I didn't think that he would go for Heavy Slam on a Scizor, so I switched into Kyurem-B and took the Earthquake comfortably.
- Kyurem-B goes for Fusion Bolt and knocks out the Celesteela. First blood goes to Kyurem-B. In comes Latios.
- I knew Latios could easily revenge kill by dropping a Draco, so I brought back in Scizor. He reveals himself to be Dragon Dance and I get a little scared.
- Earthquake takes out Scizor as I try to get a U-turn off. I was not bulky enough to survive it. There's only one mon I can depend on now, and that is Haze Vaporeon!
- Vaporeon takes the boosted Zen Headbutt and does not flinch, luckily. It gets the Haze off and Latios' stats are back to neutral.
- I got my Wish up once again as Latios tries to flinch me or get some damage with Zen Headbutt.
- I didn't want Latios Dragon Dancing for free on my Protect so I threw off a Scald, it went into Roselia as it came in though.
- I decided to sack Donphan for the free Salazzle switch and setup.
- He brings in Arcanine on my Nasty Plot.
- Espeed does a lot of damage, but Salazzle gets the KO with Acid Downpour. I could've saved it for something else in the back, but I didn't even know if Salazzle would survive the Espeed or if the Arcanine might be Assault Vest since Extremespeed was a crit. Anyway, kill for Salazzle. Piloswine returns.
- I thought Salazzle might live an Ice Shard due to it being resisted, but Salazzle was too worn down. I send Vaporeon back in.
- I decided to Wish first to scout what he might go for. I'm glad I did since Piloswine got a crit with it's Earthquake.
- Knowing I was faster than Piloswine, I threw off a Scald. In came Latios, and no burn. Vaporeon was healed.
- My plan was to keep switching between Wish and Scald/Haze. I knew I would neutralize Latios eventually. It was only a matter of time.
- I knew Latios' whole moveset and knew that it couldn't do anything to Kyurem-B with that burn. So I passed a Wish into it as it survived the Stealth Rock and Zen Headbutt damage.
- I went for Roost just to solidify my chances against it, and beat the Latios with Ice Beam. Two kills for Kyurem-B. He brings in Krookodile.
- Time to see whether it was Choice Scarf the whole time. It was not. I kind of figured it wasn't when he avoided sending it in on Salazzle, though you could say it was just safer to use Piloswine's priority. But resisted priority is risky unless you know the calcs. Anyway, it might not have been the best call, but my gut told me things would be alright. Ice Beam took out the Krookodile with no trouble. Kyurem-B now has three kills. What a rampage! Ryo sends in Piloswine.
- Piloswine is easily disposed of after two Iron Heads. Kyurem-B gets it's fourth kill of the game. Roselia is the only thing standing.
- Kyurem-B takes out Roselia with Ice Beam and seal up the game 3-0, which 5 kills! An amazing feat! The Toronto Maple Leafeons now stand with a record of 4-1.
In Conclusion
Good game to Ryo! Now - it turned out that Ryo had actually mistakenly prepped for the other Toronto team in the league, the Toronto Staraptors. But in a weird twist of fate, his sets actually kind of worked. Yes, he did leave himself open to be beat by Kyurem-B (since he didn't have a Choice Scarf user or Dragon type move on Latios), but Roselia did a good job in pressuring my Vaporeon's Wish pass support. Everything took a good amount of damage from it, especially after Scizor went down. And the Stealth Rock was weakening my team with every switch I made, so I had to make that Donphan sac to get back some momentum. And the Latios set probably would have won him the game, or beat my team down enough to where he would have won, if he had flinched my Vaporeon to death with Zen Headbutt. The burn was basically needed for me to be able to close out the game safely. That way, Latios couldn't break my Vaporeon. Also, shoutout to Vaporeon for being a glorious wall. But yeah, if there was anything I could take away from that match, it was how thinking out of the box can be a really innovative way of playing this game we call Pokemon.
So week 5 has come to close and we are still standing pretty strong. Next, we face the Miami Mimikyus. They are coached by Connor. Another newcomer to our league. Really make you wonder just how many originals are around when there are so many new faces. Connor's team is very well balanced. It resembles something that Ralker used last season to great success. Connor is currently the last undefeated coach in our league. Let's see if we can't change that, huh. This is Tommy aka AbruptFury, signing out!