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[TRADE] 6*IV- and HP-Dittos for trade
I got some Dittos by RNGing in 5th gen and would like to trade them.
I am mainly searching for 5*iv pokemon preferably with hidden abillity and good nature.
I have some shelders, larvitars, ferroseeds, charmanders, froakies, panchams, duskulls, Skrelps, Tynamos, Scythers, eevees (careful and modest), seedots, zoruas, deinos, goomys, ralts, mawiles, riolus, bulbasaurs, phantumps, swinubs, phanpys, mudkips, gibles, drilburs, bergmite, espurrs and honedges

Most of this pokemon have EM if you are interested on some i can give you more information Cool
Would you be interested in 5iv lucario with a jolly nature
Got a 5iv froakie with protean
@ScottA99 sry i already have a froakie with protean
I should have a 5 IV carvahna with speed boost laying around
Would you trade a 6iv ditto for either of the following:

5iv Timburr (without sp.atk) guts , adamant , mach punch eggmove
5iv Eeve (without atk) HA Anticipation , bold , wish eggmove (i was aiming for a sylveon)
5iv Ralts (without atk or speed i have 2) HA Telepathy , jolly , male (to get a gallade)
sry i already have a ralts and an eevee like that and i only need a Timburr with the HA
(Dec 11, 2014, 08:20 AM)Ninjer Wrote: sry i already have a ralts and an eevee like that and i only need a Timburr with the HA

Well i have a female with the hidden ability but it doesn't have any IV's or nature so.. yea

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