Jan 21, 2016, 05:03 AM
(Jan 21, 2016, 04:14 AM)Aqwell Wrote: I have some breedjects left that I would like to give away to those who want them. They are all 5-6 IV's and the are only missing IV is in the stat that isn't necessarily needed.
What I have are:
13 Pawniards
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Defiand
Eggmoves: Sucker Punch
3 Snivys
Ability: Contrary
Eggmoves: Glare and Mirror Coat
2 Snivys
Nature: Timid
Ability: Contrary
No eggmoves
More will come later
Then I have a few BR Bisharps:
4 level 57 and 4 level 54
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 6 HP + 252 ATK + 252 SPE
Sucker Punch
Iron Head
Knock Off
For the Bisharps I'm mainly looking for other BR mons especially those with good defence (I have mostly Sp.Def mons). For the others I would like something with eggmoves or the hidden ability but it's not that important. First come, first serve. I'm currently breeding Mudkips so they'll be next on the list.
Can I grab one of those pawniards aswell? I can trade you some 5 IV starters of you want one of those? haha