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[TRADE] Dratini for ???
Hello! I would like to trade a Male Dratini, since I cannot find one in Alpha Saphire and I wouldn't know what to give back. I have a bunch of Ralts(About 500 of them, looking for a shiny Ralts through Masuda Method). if you want one with a specific nature and/or gender just let me know. Smile

Thanks. Blush
I can get u one and I do not care what I get in return just please not an egg because I hate not knowing what is inside
Here is information on it

Hp: 87
Sp. Atk:50
Sp. Def:51

Nature: Hardy
Ability: Shed Skin


Dragon Tail
Aqua Tail

No Ev's spent!
A Dragonair would be fine in this case. 

We can trade once I am home. Smile

Thank you.
I already got you a Dratini lvl. 40 and It is supposed to evolve into a dragonair at lvl. 30 and it is not holding an everstone.
Alright, cool. 

I'll PM you then, thanks.
I have a shiny dragonite
if ur interested pm me

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