The following pokemon are for trade
- Shiny Heatran (calm) lvl 70
- Shiny Latios (timid) lvl 100
- Victiny (jolly) lvl 100
- Shiny Cresselia (bold) lvl 100 (traded)
- Shiny Blastiose (modest) lvl 100 with Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere (traded)
- Shiny Jelicent (bold) lvl 100
- Shiny Marowak (Adamant) lvl 100
- Shiny Azelf (jolly) lvl 100 (traded)
- Shiny Articuno (timid) lvl 100 (traded)
- Victiny (jolly) lvl 50
- Diancie (adamant) lvl 50
- Shiny Kabotops (adamant) lvl 100
- Shiny Greninja (adamant) lvl 100
- Shiny Klefki (bold) lvl 100
- Shiny Noivern (timid) lvl 100 Infiltrator (traded)
- Shiny Tyrantrum (adamant) lvl 100 strong jaw
- Shiny Snorlax (adamant) lvl 100 immunity
- Shiny Golurk (adamant) lvl 100 iron fist with Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, Fire Punch and Ice Punch
- Shiny Cofagrigus (bold) lvl 100
- Shiny Mightyena (adamant) lvl 100
- Shiny Whimsicott (bold) lvl 100 prankster (traded)
- Shiny Kingler (adamant) lvl 100 sheer force
- Shiny Tentacruel (bold) lvl 100
- Shiny Electrode (timid) lvl 100
Some lvl 1 pokemon (5 or 6 IV)
- Roselia (jolly) Nature Cure
- Chinchou (timid) Volt Absorb
- Mudkip (adamant) Torrent
- Deino (timid) Hustle
- Scyther (adamant) Swarm
- Ralts (timid) Trace
- Sewaddle (naive) Overcoat
- Vulpix (timid) Flash Fire
- Lileep (sassy) Suction Cups
- Vulpix (calm) Drought
- Pidgey (modest) Tangled Feet
- Feebas(modest) Oblivious
- Trapinch (adamant) Hyper Cutter
- Rotom-F (modest) Levitate
- Rotom-M (modest) Levitate
- Snorunt (timid) Ice Body
- Squirtle (modest) Torrent with Aqua Jet, Aura Sphere, Water Sprout and Dragon Pulse
- Fletchling (adamant) Gale Wings
- Eevee (modest) Anticipation with Stored Power
- Shroomish (adamant) Quick Feet
- Goomy (modest) Hydration
- Trevenant (adamant) Harvest
- Trapinch (jolly) Arena Trap
- Shinx (adamant) Intimidate
- Cyndaquil (modest) Blaze
- Hawlucha (adamant) Unburden
- Feebas (bold) Oblivious
- Chinchou (calm) Volt Absorb
- Skarmory (impish) Sturdy
- Heracross (adamant) Guts
Some other pokemon:
- lvl 97 timid shiny Cyndaquil (5 IV's) Blaze (Extrasensory - Heat Wave - Reversal - Flame Burst) (traded)
- lvl 97 relaxed shiny Chikorita (5IV's) Overgrow (Synthesis - Wring Out - Magic Coat - Leaf Storm)
- lvl 97 adamant shiny Totodile (5 IV's) Torrent (Low Kick - Superpower - Ice Punch - Aqua Jet)
I myself am looking for battle ready Pokemon.
+rep would be appreciated
- Shiny Heatran (calm) lvl 70
- Shiny Latios (timid) lvl 100
- Victiny (jolly) lvl 100
- Shiny Cresselia (bold) lvl 100 (traded)
- Shiny Blastiose (modest) lvl 100 with Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere (traded)
- Shiny Jelicent (bold) lvl 100
- Shiny Marowak (Adamant) lvl 100
- Shiny Azelf (jolly) lvl 100 (traded)
- Shiny Articuno (timid) lvl 100 (traded)
- Victiny (jolly) lvl 50
- Diancie (adamant) lvl 50
- Shiny Kabotops (adamant) lvl 100
- Shiny Greninja (adamant) lvl 100
- Shiny Klefki (bold) lvl 100
- Shiny Noivern (timid) lvl 100 Infiltrator (traded)
- Shiny Tyrantrum (adamant) lvl 100 strong jaw
- Shiny Snorlax (adamant) lvl 100 immunity
- Shiny Golurk (adamant) lvl 100 iron fist with Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, Fire Punch and Ice Punch
- Shiny Cofagrigus (bold) lvl 100
- Shiny Mightyena (adamant) lvl 100
- Shiny Whimsicott (bold) lvl 100 prankster (traded)
- Shiny Kingler (adamant) lvl 100 sheer force
- Shiny Tentacruel (bold) lvl 100
- Shiny Electrode (timid) lvl 100
Some lvl 1 pokemon (5 or 6 IV)
- Roselia (jolly) Nature Cure
- Chinchou (timid) Volt Absorb
- Mudkip (adamant) Torrent
- Deino (timid) Hustle
- Scyther (adamant) Swarm
- Ralts (timid) Trace
- Sewaddle (naive) Overcoat
- Vulpix (timid) Flash Fire
- Lileep (sassy) Suction Cups
- Vulpix (calm) Drought
- Pidgey (modest) Tangled Feet
- Feebas(modest) Oblivious
- Trapinch (adamant) Hyper Cutter
- Rotom-F (modest) Levitate
- Rotom-M (modest) Levitate
- Snorunt (timid) Ice Body
- Squirtle (modest) Torrent with Aqua Jet, Aura Sphere, Water Sprout and Dragon Pulse
- Fletchling (adamant) Gale Wings
- Eevee (modest) Anticipation with Stored Power
- Shroomish (adamant) Quick Feet
- Goomy (modest) Hydration
- Trevenant (adamant) Harvest
- Trapinch (jolly) Arena Trap
- Shinx (adamant) Intimidate
- Cyndaquil (modest) Blaze
- Hawlucha (adamant) Unburden
- Feebas (bold) Oblivious
- Chinchou (calm) Volt Absorb
- Skarmory (impish) Sturdy
- Heracross (adamant) Guts
Some other pokemon:
- lvl 97 timid shiny Cyndaquil (5 IV's) Blaze (Extrasensory - Heat Wave - Reversal - Flame Burst) (traded)
- lvl 97 relaxed shiny Chikorita (5IV's) Overgrow (Synthesis - Wring Out - Magic Coat - Leaf Storm)
- lvl 97 adamant shiny Totodile (5 IV's) Torrent (Low Kick - Superpower - Ice Punch - Aqua Jet)
I myself am looking for battle ready Pokemon.

+rep would be appreciated