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[TRADE] Froakie 5IV Protean
Hello peeps,

Im looking for a 5 iv protean froakie.
If you have one please contact me.
And say your offers.
Or just for free even better  :D

yea sure, I got extra anyway.

5 IVs, timid + toxic spikes.
(Jan 14, 2015, 08:20 AM)Resuta Ri Wrote: yea sure, I got extra anyway.

5 IVs, timid + toxic spikes.

Heya, do you got any extra left? Smile
i have naive 5IV froakies w/ proteans,
i dont have anything in particular, but do you happen to have a breedject tepig with its HA
(Jan 18, 2015, 01:50 AM)toto Wrote: i have naive 5IV froakies w/ proteans,
i dont have anything in particular, but do you happen to have a breedject tepig with its HA

Unfortunately, not with the HA Sad
you still need one?
got a lot of them so if you do just hit me up in PM's Smile
(Jan 18, 2015, 04:02 AM)TrainerN Wrote: you still need one?

me? yes. Do you have one?

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