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[TRADE] Hoopa for Meloetta
Hello, it's me again,

I think I'd better have a Meloetta and if someone interested in trading, I would offer 2 types of Hoopas ( not sure but probably my Hoopas are the most valuable Pokemons I have right now). I have both Japanese and English Hoopa.

Japanese Hoopa
Lv. 50 
Zen Headbutt
Phantom Force
Drain Punch
Gunk Shot
with Adamant Nature


English Hoopa
Lv. 50
Hyperspace Hole
Nasty Plot
with Impish Nature.

I don't know they're enough to get a Meloetta but still I will give it a try. If you're interested just tell me which one you want.

Thank you.
i know a youtuber who do a giveaway for meloetta i just dont know if she still does it? but try asking her youtube name is mono nomo gamer  Smile
@ErRon123 @Spaced-out Thank you guys. Then I will try to get it another way :v

As I said, I just wanted to try :D
@Dionysus hey I can provide you a Meloetta Smile What time do you want to trade?
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
@nightburstpkmn are you available now? If yes I'd be greatful :D
I'm eating right now, so probably after 8 I'm available. I'll trade mine for your adamant one if that's alright @Dionysus
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)

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