Looking for 5-6IV Timid Natural Cure Staryu or any Breedject you may have. Im offering the following for trade:
5IV Modest Levitate Gastly
5IV Timid Natural Cure Roselia
6IV Adamant Strong Jaw Tyrunt with EMs
5IV Jolly/Adamant Blaze Charmanders
5IV Calm Run Away Eevee bred for Umbreon
5IV Careful Poison Heal Shroomish
6IV Shiny Klutz Adamant Buneary with Lopunnite.
5IV Modest Levitate Gastly
5IV Timid Natural Cure Roselia
6IV Adamant Strong Jaw Tyrunt with EMs
5IV Jolly/Adamant Blaze Charmanders
5IV Calm Run Away Eevee bred for Umbreon
5IV Careful Poison Heal Shroomish
6IV Shiny Klutz Adamant Buneary with Lopunnite.