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[TRADE] LF Contrary Snivy
Hey Guys, I am looking for a Contrary Snivy. I don't have anything crazy to trade away, but, if I have something you want I'd be happy to give you away.
I have one
Past Giveaways:
Unova water and fire starters with HA's
Chimchar with HA's and egg moves
HA Gible
HA Sableye
HA Minccino
BR HA feraligatr
BR Mega Gallade
BR Garchomp
BR Terrakion
BR Shiny Dragonite

Feel free to PM for info on past giveaways might have some left over
What would you want for it mate
(Jan 21, 2015, 05:55 PM)Pr0sAndCon5 Wrote: What would you want for it mate

The only thing I'm looking for is a HA fletchling if you dint have that anything will do
Past Giveaways:
Unova water and fire starters with HA's
Chimchar with HA's and egg moves
HA Gible
HA Sableye
HA Minccino
BR HA feraligatr
BR Mega Gallade
BR Garchomp
BR Terrakion
BR Shiny Dragonite

Feel free to PM for info on past giveaways might have some left over
I don't have one of those unfortunately. But I would appreciate the snivy

Added your FC
K adding you now
Past Giveaways:
Unova water and fire starters with HA's
Chimchar with HA's and egg moves
HA Gible
HA Sableye
HA Minccino
BR HA feraligatr
BR Mega Gallade
BR Garchomp
BR Terrakion
BR Shiny Dragonite

Feel free to PM for info on past giveaways might have some left over
Thanks Mate
Past Giveaways:
Unova water and fire starters with HA's
Chimchar with HA's and egg moves
HA Gible
HA Sableye
HA Minccino
BR HA feraligatr
BR Mega Gallade
BR Garchomp
BR Terrakion
BR Shiny Dragonite

Feel free to PM for info on past giveaways might have some left over

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