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[TRADE] LF Events: Event Milotic,Delibird,Gyarados,Kyogre,Sabyleye and much more FT:EVENTS
Hey guys Im looking for events like the ones on the Topic and much more. What Im not looking for are 6Gen Mythical Pokemons.
I can offer Manaphy E4ALL, SMR2013 shiny Palkia-Dialga-Giratina, Fall2010 Mew, JPN Shiny Yveltal+Xerneas from XY&Z, Trio Shiny Dogs Entei-Suciune-Raikou USA Gamestop, Darkrai GF, Darkrai ALAMOS(Time Roar and Special rent) also a shiny Genesect(えいがかん) and Volcanion.
They are all with Ribbon.
What you have to do?
Tell me what event Pokemon you do have with the OT and Ribbon(Pentagon) and tell me what you are interessed in!
I wish us Good Luck with the trade and Have fun! O/
I have a jirachi tjat i obtained from the 20th pokemon anniversary want it?
I got a shiny Eevee from VGC2010 if you like @irazer91
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
@nightburstpkmn ofc what do you want for that?
@Dylan Pal Like I said I dont need the mythicals from the new gen^^
@irazer91 the shiny genesect one I'll take and trade :D
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
@nightburstpkmn alright coming online
Thanks tell me if you find any other events ^^
You're welcome. TBH that was my only best event PKMN I ever had.
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
Im sure you will find other cool events in your old Pokemons XD @nightburstpkmn

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