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[TRADE] LF Garchompite

I have decided to breed a garchomp to help me sweep the elite 4 and I don't have the time or the willpower to go grab 1000 flags.

Please let me know what I could offer in return!

Thanks for your time.
I have a garchompite if you want.
The Safari Zone. The only place where you can throw mud at Pokémon. AKA the best in-game area in the fourth generation.
(Aug 5, 2016, 07:37 AM)TheWildShannon Wrote: I have a garchompite if you want.

That would be great, I am about to go out for an errand quick but I'll be back on in about 30 minutes, feel free to add me whenever :D What would you like in return?
Do you have a shieldon? Or a fossil of shieldon? If its a fossil, just give a random pokemon the fossil
The Safari Zone. The only place where you can throw mud at Pokémon. AKA the best in-game area in the fourth generation.
(Aug 5, 2016, 08:05 AM)TheWildShannon Wrote: Do you have a shieldon? Or a fossil of shieldon? If its a fossil, just give a random pokemon the fossil

Yeah i can breed one quick, I'll be ready to trade in about 10 minutes then.
Ok. I've added your fc
The Safari Zone. The only place where you can throw mud at Pokémon. AKA the best in-game area in the fourth generation.
(Aug 5, 2016, 07:18 AM)Storvik Wrote: Hello i have loads of legends if anyone wants one

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