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[TRADE] LF: KB Flawless Snivy w/ Contrary FT: KB Flawless Shinies
Well, I have a Snivy with Glare and Hp Ice. Calm, and Perfect IVs except for Atk, Def, and Hp, which is needed for HP Ice. It won't matter at lvl 50. I assume that is what you want. It is late for me, but I will be on tomorrow most of the day. I have to ask, is there something else you want, because I really want the Conkeldurr and the Scizor (with Conkeldurr being a higher priority. Get it? Priority? Because both of them run Priority moves? My humor is wasted). I hope we can make this work.

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RE: LF: KB Flawless Snivy w/ Contrary FT: KB Flawless Shinies - by Delta - Jul 28, 2015, 08:54 PM

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