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Hi! I'm looking for a meloetta to trade. I don't mind if it is legit or not but I would really like one. I would prefer a non-shiny over a shiny meloetta. Although I would like good IVs or nature, it isn't needed. I just want a meloetta of my own.

These are the pokemon I can offer-
Lvl 100 Shiny Latios
Nature: Sassy
IVs: HP, Defence, Sp.Defence and Speed
Moves: Recover, Luster Purge, Dragon Breath and Psycho Shift
Item: None

Lvl 100 event Shiny Xerneas
Nature: Modest
IVs: HP, Attack, Defence, Sp.Attack, Sp.Defence and Speed
Moves: Geomancy, Moonblast, Aromatherapy and Focus Blast
Item: Power Herb

Lvl 100 non-shiny Arecus
Nature: Timid
IVs: HP, Attack, Defence, Sp.Attack, Sp.Defence and Speed
Moves: Judgment, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon and Earth Power
Item: None

Lvl 100 non-shiny Hoopa
Nature: Timid
IVs: HP, Attack, Defence, Sp.Attack, Sp.Defence and Speed
Moves: Hyperspace Fury, Psychic, Dark Pulse and Nasty Plot
Item: None
I can give you the Xereneas if you'd like! Let me add your friend code first so it'll be easy for us to trade.
Thank you! Now I have my adorable Meloetta!

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