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[TRADE] LF: Riolu or HA Dratini
Looking for: Any Riolu or a HA Dratini with Extreme speed egg move.

For trade: 5 iv porygon
5 iv Scyther
5 iv Cloyster
5 iv HA Vulpix
5 iv Bellsprout
5 iv Ryhorn
5 iv weedle
5 iv Brellsprout
5 iv Slurpuff
5 iv Smeargle w dark void + other moves if you ask.

Thank you!
I have a HA dratini but it has no egg move
Would you be interested in trading for HA vulpix?
I have dratini with Extreme speed and HA PM me when you're free to trade
I can trade in about an hour, is that fine for you?

What do you want in exchange?
I have Riolu but catched in wild so tell if you want it
I'll take it. What do you want for trade?

Edit: Actually, can it have the hidden ability? Thanks!
I got a really good HA riolu with egg moves, but its my only one, and i still lack the 6iv dittos. If u can help give me one ill breed it for you :D
If this is going on i have both(shiny)
I don't have any shines to trade back for them.
(Mar 15, 2015, 02:59 PM)greybeardhalt Wrote: I'll take it. What do you want for trade?

Edit: Actually, can it have the hidden ability? Thanks!

hmm ia haven't got HA


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