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[TRADE] LF: Two Arceus codes | FT: Other events | Open for offers!
I'm looking for two Arceus codes so that I can have one for both Alpha Sapphire and Y. In return, I have some other events that I can trade you.

Here is what I have up for trade (x2 means that I have redeemed it on both Y and Alpha Sapphire, and still have both available for trade):

-20th Anniversary Celebi
-20th Anniversary Jirachi x2
-20th Anniversary Manaphy x2
-XY&Z Event Trio (Zygarde/Shiny Xerneas/Shiny Yveltal)
-PokéBank Regis (OT: Aaron | TID: 18575)

I'm also open for offers if not a whole lot (or even none) of these interest you. Though, do keep in mind that these are the only events that I'm willing to part with.

EDIT: I probably should've specified this in the OP, but I can also redeem up to three NA codes for any given event if you want me to do that (except for Darkrai, for which I can only redeem one).
@Dull Deoxys If you can wait I can give you the codes Smile
(Aug 3, 2016, 06:10 PM)Thekaratekid Wrote: @Dull Deoxys If you can wait I can give you the codes Smile

Okay! As long as they're North America codes of course (I probably should've specified that in my OP). Is there anything I mentioned in my OP that interests you?
@Dull Deoxys Yeah I know well just let me know
i have an arceus i can trade you in exchange for a shiny yveltal (eng name preferred)
The Safari Zone. The only place where you can throw mud at Pokémon. AKA the best in-game area in the fourth generation.
i can trade you an arceus for a yveltal
The Safari Zone. The only place where you can throw mud at Pokémon. AKA the best in-game area in the fourth generation.
@Dull Deoxys I do not have a code, but I do have an Arceus I redeemed via the code, if you are interested. I'd like that shiny Xerneas for it, if you were willing :D

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