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[TRADE] LF: shiny lv 15 palkia
Let me tell you something.

Actually play through your game and get your 8 badges, then you can come back and ask for a Palkia that isn't hacked. There's no reason to have a legendary like Palkia on your team and you should be fine with the mons in your game anyway.

Glad we had this talk.
I'm just here.

(Feb 7, 2016, 08:28 PM)squeab Wrote: Btw I hack, get over it m9. If you don't like it, ha you can't do anything about it feel bad

help me out? X3
Palkia is available at Lvl 1 during an event in HGSS with the arceus event.
A legend fallen from grace.
(Feb 7, 2016, 08:28 PM)GingerxPug Wrote: Let me tell you something.

Actually play through your game and get your 8 badges, then you can come back and ask for a Palkia that isn't hacked. There's no reason to have a legendary like Palkia on your team and you should be fine with the mons in your game anyway.

Glad we had this talk.

i f*** **** up daily, ima do what i wanna X3 much love to forum though
(Feb 7, 2016, 08:33 PM)Kimimaro99kaguya Wrote:
(Feb 7, 2016, 08:28 PM)GingerxPug Wrote: Let me tell you something.

Actually play through your game and get your 8 badges, then you can come back and ask for a Palkia that isn't hacked. There's no reason to have a legendary like Palkia on your team and you should be fine with the mons in your game anyway.

Glad we had this talk.

i f*** shire up daily, ima do what i wanna X3 much love to forum though

please watch the language.

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