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[TRADE] Looking For Shinies
I don't mind what shinies you offer just make a comment of a shiny you want to trade and I'll see if i want to trade.
Im looking for ampharos and ditto both modest to nature

I have jirachi,politoed,persian, sceptile, omanyte and caterpie xD

also have celebi nonshiny
I'm shiny hunting now so i hope to get more shinies. For now i have a shiny carvanha for trade
I have shiny landorus lv 100 in alternate form for trade

Lookin For Shiny Laparas
Anyone got anything?
I have shiny kyogre, make an offer
Haha I don't think I can offer for that at all. Would you take a reshiram and terrakion (non shiny)
I have a shiny Gulpin, I'd take any shiny that you want to give me Wink

Check my Shop Wink
i want to trade a shiny zanggoose ?

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