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[TRADE] Looking for a Murkrow with Prankster
Hi everyone, im looking for a murkrow with prankster HA, i had chanseys, skarmorys, togepis, snorlax, squirtles, mereeps, abras, evees, aipoms and torchics. All of them has at least 3 ivs and some of them had eggs moves like chansey with counter and seismic toss, skarmory with stealt rock and wirlwind, aipom with fake out coming to my mind. Thanks for your time and help.
I have an ha murkrow for you
(Oct 25, 2015, 04:38 PM)terrorkid94 Wrote: I have an ha murkrow for you
Thanks a lot dude, do you need any one of the pokemons i posted before ?
You can send me anything in return
(Oct 25, 2015, 07:38 PM)terrorkid94 Wrote: You can send me anything in return
ok thanks a lot i alredy add you so if you want to add me this is my new fc: 1607 5052 2805
I already had my pokemon thanks to terririkid94. Post closed, thank you. Smile

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