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[TRADE] Looking to finish up my Living Pokedex
I can do both
Ok awesome. I am at work now but we can trade sometime after I get home
It's cool. As was I. You good to trade now?
yeah i am free now to trade, lemme log online
Alright. And what form is giratina?
(Jan 5, 2015, 03:31 PM)Knight Owl Wrote: Alright. And what form is giratina?

just normal, i never got the orbs back after pokebanking them
Gotcha, well thanks for the trade! Smile
np, and thank you! just need shaymin and all the tough legendaries are complete
Bumping this a bit, Still looking for that Shaymin. Its really all i need left for my hard to get Living Pokedex
I got the Shaymin can I have the Jirachi?
I'm your friendly neighborhood Dragon fun fact I'm one of the only ones who can take a ice beam And laugh right back at you with a outrage

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