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[TRADE] Lyth's Shop - Seeking Shinies In Exchange For Legendaries :D
(May 7, 2016, 06:06 PM)wundrweapon Wrote: Of course I go offline as soon as interesting things happen... Such is my luck

anyways, good luck to you
Hahah sorry about that. x3 Thank you regardless!

For the people I added who were interested in my Friend Safari, let me know when you're online, and I'll switch right back to X when I can. Once I'm back in X, make sure you added me in return, and pop online so you can unlock my third Friend Safari Pokemon!
My Pkmn X Friend Safari - Fire
#1: Growlithe + #2: Larvesta + #3: Braixen
If you don't want your safari info posted, please let me know!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Lyth's Shop - Seeking Event Legendaries :D - by Lythania - May 7, 2016, 06:12 PM

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