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[TRADE] Lyth's Shop - Seeking Shinies In Exchange For Legendaries :D
(May 13, 2016, 08:58 PM)Lythania Wrote: - Changed Lake Guardians Trio to Creation Trio.

@parrypeter25 Okay, sorry for the wait! I had to edit the verification post and make sure that I had the pokemon in the right box, to avoid any mix-ups.

I seem to be having a problem with the Rayquaza, it was telling me it couldn't be traded. D: I'll give you the one I had from Emerald instead and see if that works.
----- ^ I figured this out. The Ray I tried to give you knew Dragon Ascent, thus it could not be traded to you. If you'd rather have the original offered Ray, let me know, I'll have to make it forget Dragon Ascent though. Meaning you'd need to recover the move at the Move Reminder using a heart scale. And then we'd have to trade Rays. xD I wouldn't mind either way. :D

Oh, I had no idea haha. its fine. No biggie ^^

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RE: Lyth's Shop - Seeking Event Legendaries :D - by parrypeter25 - May 13, 2016, 09:13 PM

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