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[TRADE] Need 6iv Ditto for Breeding
(Jan 26, 2016, 06:04 PM)BlazingLion Wrote: I want to branch my breeding into genderless Pokemon, so I need a 6iv ditto to make it quicker. I am willing to breed any non-genderless Pokemon in return. The only thing I need is a female parent for the desired Pokemon. All help is appreciated!

I think there is a giveaway of 6 IVs Japanese dittos if you want. Look up the giveaway section.

Messages In This Thread
Need 6iv Ditto for Breeding - by BlazingLion - Jan 26, 2016, 06:04 PM
RE: Need 6iv Ditto for Breeding - by croissant - Jan 26, 2016, 06:23 PM
RE: Need 6iv Ditto for Breeding - by Colette - Jan 26, 2016, 07:04 PM
RE: Need 6iv Ditto for Breeding - by m0thchild - Jan 26, 2016, 08:56 PM

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