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[TRADE] [Reopened] LF: Original Volcanion
Hey guys iam looking for Original Volcanion.

My offers: shiny squirtle lvl 100, shiny nidoran male, shiny golduck 6iv and ev trained to sweeper, shiny tentacruel, shiny electrode, shiny seadra, shiny goldeen, shiny golking, shinymagikarp, shiny gyarados, shiny lanturn, shiny ampharos, shiny remoraid, shiny octillery, shiny wurmple, shiny loudred, shiny exploud, shiny aggron, shiny wailmer, shiny barbouch, shiny togekiss, shiny dragalge, shiny vivillion, shiny flaeron, shiny feraligatr, shiny glaceon, shiny leafeon, shiny omanyte with nikname Lord Helix, shiny jolteon, event hoopa, event jirachi, event celebi

I need the Original Volcanion again if someone is out there willing to trade Wink 
I will even trade 2 of your choice for the Volcanio just if its original :D
I'm hoping to clone mine and do a giveaway on it!
Your number one flying-type trainer!
@TheLastStaravia How did you geta Volcanion?
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
@TheLastStaravia  Yeah how did you get one??
The GTS! Deposit a really good Pokèmon and ask for one; I did a shiny Suicune! @ElliotProbablyTheBest @Davizz
Your number one flying-type trainer!
I got an extra one
So I'll try. Thanks! BTW: Is yours shiny?

P.S: Delete some messages on your PM inbox. No one can send you PMs when your inbox is full.
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
@Jhinsuu Can you trade me yours? I'll give you a shiny Suicune!

Edit: Through the GTS of course.
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
@ElliotProbablyTheBest No, but it's legitimate!
Your number one flying-type trainer!
@TheLastStaravia Now I'm jealous.
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!

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