Dec 25, 2014, 06:00 PM
(Dec 25, 2014, 05:24 AM)PokeMax Wrote: Would you trade the non shiny Rotom for any (or maybe 2) of the following:
5IV Marvel Scale Adamant Dratini with Extremespeed and Dragondance
5IV Guts Adamant Larvitar with Stealth rocks
5IV Huge Power Adamant Marill
5IV Protean Timid Froakie
5IV Jolly Moxie Pinsir with Close Combat
5IV Bold Anticipation Eevee with Wish
5IV Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach Punch
5IV Relaxed Iron Barbs Ferroseed with Stealth rocks and Leech Seed
5IV Adamant Scrappy Kangaskhan
5IV Adamant Super Luck Absol with Sucker punch
I'll take the Dratini