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[TRADE] The Pokemax Tradeshop , Looking for all kinds of things!
Hey guys , i'm looking for a lot of stuff and i have just as much to offer. I'm mostly looking for Good IV'ed or (preferrably female) Hidden ability Pokemon.
If you have any questions or want to make a trade tell me the pokemon you want and the pokemon you have with it's IV's nature and ability.
I prefer none EV Trained pokemon but if it is EV trained tell me what it is.

P.S. Don't be afraid to ask for trades if the pokemon isn't on the wanted list Wink

Pokemon (or pre-evolutions) I want:

Mamoswine with Thick Fat
Terrakion with 5/6 IV's (Missing s.atk) and jolly nature
Zapdos with 5/6 IV's (Missing atk) and bold nature
Weavile with Pressure (preferrably with ice shard and/or icicle crash)

The pokemon i have and that are ready to trade:
5IV Ralts with HA and jolly nature
5IV Eevee's with HA , Bold nature and wish egg move
5IV Timburr with Guts , Adamant nature and mach punch egg move
5IV (0 in speed) Ferroseed , relaxed nature and stealth rock and leech seed egg moves
5IV Marill , Adamant nature with Huge Power
5IV Kangaskhan , Adamant nature with scrappy

The pokemon i can breed :
1IV+ Charmanders with Solar power and timid nature
1IV+ Defiant Bisharp
1IV+ Vulpix with Drought and timid nature
2IV+ Gligar with poison heal and impish nature
2IV+ Lucario with justified and adamant nature
3IV+ Herracross with Moxie and adamant nature
4IV+ Politoed with Drizzle and modest nature
5IV+ Gengar with Timid Nature
5IV+ Rhyperior with adamant nature
5IV+ Electivire with Jolly nature
5IV+ Scizor with Adamant nature and Technician
5IV+ Greninja with protean and Timid nature
5IV+ Salamence with Moxie and Jolly nature
5IV+ Charmanders with Blaze , Jolly nature and outrage and dragon dance egg moves
5IV+ Dragonite with multiscale and extremespeed and adamant nature
5IV+ Ursaring with quick feet and jolly nature
5IV+ Pinsir with Moxie and Jolly nature
5IV+ Armaldo with with battle armor and Adamant nature
5IV+ Haxorus with Jolly nature
5IV+ Rampardos with Mold Breaker and Jolly nature
5IV+ Granbull with jolly nature and quick feet
5IV+ Mienshao with Jolly nature and regenerator
5IV+ Gastrodon with Modest nature and Storm drain
5IV+ Crawdaunt with Adaptabillity and jolly nature
5IV+ Aerodactyl with Pressure and jolly nature
5IV+ Drapion with Sniper and Adamant nature
5IV+ Swampert with adamant nature and torrent
5IV+ Alakazam with Magic guard and Timid nature
5IV+ Crobat with Jolly and inner focus
5IV+ Roserade with Natural cure and Calm nature
5IV+ Absol with super luck and Adamant nature
5IV+ Breloom with Technician and Jolly nature
5IV+ Tyranitar with Sand Stream and Adamant nature
5IV+ Starmie with natural cure and Timid Nature
5IV+ Toxicroak with poison touch and Adamant nature
5IV+ Reuniclus with Magic guard and Bold Nature
5IV+ Donphan with Sturdy and Impish Nature
5IV+ Jellicent with Cursed Body and Bold nature
5IV+ Blissey with Natural cure and Calm nature
5IV+ Blaziken with Speed Boost and Adamant nature
5IV+ Garchomp with Sandveil or Rough skin and Adamant nature
5IV+ Cloyster with Shell armor and Impish Nature

Shinies i'm willing to trade for the non breedables on my list of pokemon i want:

4IV Shiny marill with adamant nature and huge power
Shiny slaking with adamant nature
Shiny drifblim with timid nature
Shiny conkeldurr with lonely nature
Shiny gardevoir with Bashful nature
Shiny Tranquil with Lonely nature
Shiny metagross with Gentle nature
Shiny Gible with Hasty nature and Sand Veil
Shiny scizor with Impish nature and swarm

I hope we can make a trade and as i listed above If you have any questions tell me the pokemon you're interested in and the what you're willing to trade!

- Greetings PokeMax (If you read all of that you're awesome :D)
Bumperoni with macaroni
i've got an unburden hawlucha for you if you want it
im interested in one of the following pokemon for itSadfrom most interested to least interested)
5IV+ Scizor with Adamant nature and Technician
5IV+ Greninja with protean and Timid nature
5IV+ Alakazam with Magic guard and Timid nature
5IV+ Drapion with Sniper and Adamant nature

if you want to trade one of those for the hawlucha PM me (I can also breed it for you to make it 5 iv)
(Dec 16, 2014, 03:41 PM)justus4all Wrote: i've got an unburden hawlucha for you if you want it
im interested in one of the following pokemon for itSadfrom most interested to least interested)
5IV+ Scizor with Adamant nature and Technician
5IV+ Greninja with protean and Timid nature
5IV+ Alakazam with Magic guard and Timid nature
5IV+ Drapion with Sniper and Adamant nature

if you want to trade one of those for the hawlucha PM me (I can also breed it for you to make it 5 iv)

Those pokemon are in my breeding list so i'll have to breed a scyther for you but we can do that ^_^
by any chance you can get me a perfect IV Volt absorb Pachirisu?
(Dec 17, 2014, 12:35 AM)Mars Bars Wrote: by any chance you can get me a perfect IV Volt absorb Pachirisu?

I don't have any pachirisu's sorry, but if you have any of the pokemon on my wish list and you can trade me a pachirisu with volt absorb i could breed it so it gets 5 or 6 IV's
i can give you heatran, latios or Zapdos, but the only other pokemon that interests me from your list is protean timid Greninja
(Dec 17, 2014, 12:41 AM)Mars Bars Wrote: i can give you heatran, latios or Zapdos, but the only other pokemon that interests me from your list is protean timid Greninja

I could breed you a froakie for a heatran if you'd do that

I'm here whenever you're ready and i'm currently working on your froakie
(Dec 17, 2014, 12:41 AM)Mars Bars Wrote: i can give you heatran, latios or Zapdos, but the only other pokemon that interests me from your list is protean timid Greninja

I have a froakie ready for you , timid nature protean 5 IV (missing atk)
how many 5IV pokemon would you offer me for a 6IV victini that has the moves you want?
im interested in these:

5IV+ Gengar with Timid Nature
5IV+ Dragonite with multiscale and extremespeed and adamant nature
5IV+ Pinsir with Moxie and Jolly nature
5IV+ Aerodactyl with Pressure and jolly nature
5IV+ Alakazam with Magic guard and Timid nature
5IV+ Absol with super luck and Adamant nature
5IV+ Breloom with Technician and Jolly nature
5IV+ Jellicent with Cursed Body and Bold nature
5IV+ Blissey with Natural cure and Calm nature

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