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[TRADE] competitive pokemon/Powersaves
Hi everyone I thought I would start this thread to see if people would like to trade comp pokemon for comp pokemon so if you do leave a comment down below of what you want and what you have also add me up. I also own a powersaves so if you would like something done with that then just leave a comment saying what you want as I can clone, change ivs/evs make pokemon shiny etc.

FC: 0473-8594-3026     IGN: Calum
Could I get a 6iv shiny froakie from your power saves?
(Dec 27, 2014, 09:07 PM)Tuckerpants7 Wrote: Could I get a 6iv shiny froakie from your power saves?

If you have the froakie yes
I do my friend code is 4270-3232-9480 and my ign is Teric
And can you change the nature of the Pokemon?
Could you get a 6 iv shiny sableye and shiny greninja for me? I have both of them
Could I get a 6IV ditto?
Could I have a Modest 6IV Japanese Ditto?
I will give a Modest 6IV 'Murican Ditto!

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