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UPDATED 6.13.16 LF Evolution Items, Legendaries/Mythics for trade
Updated the list and should be on in a couple hours if anyone can trade today.
(May 24, 2016, 09:10 PM)Tharsin Wrote: UPDATED 6/13/16:  Hey everyone,  still working on finishing my living dex.  I could use some help with some evolution items.  I know you can get them through farming and battle points, some of which i have already, i just want to speed up the process a bit.  I have a few spare items and plenty of extra legendaries/mythicals i can trade if you are able to help out with any of the following:
Dawn Stone - 1
Dubious Disc - 1
Dusk Stone - 3
Prism Scale - 1
Razor Claw - 1
Razor Fang - 1
Reaper Cloth - 1
Shiny Stone - 2
Sun Stone - 4
Thunder Stone - 1
Up-Grade - 1

Thanks in advance and happy Pokemon Hunting
If you still need a dusk stone, shiny stone or thunder stone, I have a few lying around I can give you. Smile
@Bekah__x I dostill need them.  Are you free to trade? and do you need anything special in return?
(Jun 13, 2016, 07:32 AM)Tharsin Wrote: @Bekah__x I dostill need them.  Are you free to trade? and do you need anything special in return?
If you happen to have Mew or a Celebi I would not mind them, but other than that I'm fine! Just trying to help. Smile
Added your FC btw, I'm free to trade whenever.
@Bekah__x I've added you and am logging in.  give me a minute and i will check my pokebank to see if i have any extra of mew or celebi.
Thanks @Bekah__x I gave you +1 rep and am going to update my list.  I appreciate it =)
Bumping of the post.  Thanks for your help everyone =)

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