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[VGC] 2016 International Challenge January
Hey everyone,

I'm making this post to know if some of you will be competing in the International Challenge of January 2016 (VGC '16 rules) this weekend. I personally entered a few days ago and I'm pretty excited to see what I can do in the format. Sure I had some battles on Showdown and Battle Spot but for some reasons I really enjoy the International Challenges. My team is ready and all so just gotta wait another 36 hours! If you are competing what are you guys going to use? :3

Link to the competition

[Image: 998a1dbeb68a91da70abd8fe3830f5fa3aa65580_hq.gif]
im using Bidoof, Tentacruel, Beedrill (Mega), Sharpedo (With Rage), Venusaur (Fury cutter) and Explosion Glalie
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"


I respect that team so much
(Jan 27, 2016, 12:19 PM)MudkipLegend Wrote: im using Bidoof, Tentacruel, Beedrill (Mega), Sharpedo (With Rage), Venusaur (Fury cutter) and Explosion Glalie

Hopefully I can battle you this weekend. I like easy wins Wink
Hey guys ")

Great competition, 1st competitive online play. Played to learn rather than stress ") 20/24

Groudon RO, Yvetal Weakness Policy, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Scizor, Chandelure CS, Luxray FB

Hope you all did well!
Did you really get 20 wins in 24 games? That's awesome!

Mine went decently well (18-12) and I can't wait for all the standings and other stats to come out later this month. I used Assault Vest Yveltal and it was a beast. Did you like your Weakness Policy Yveltal?
31-9 in my games, after going 1-4 on day 1 i finished the tournament 30-5
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"


Naa @Wenwuk 20W 24L had a few d/c`s, but still had fun ") !

Yh he was brill but I think life orb or leftovers may have been a bit better. He got me thru a few matches!

@CharizardSoOP21 @GrannyTurismo Groudon and Yvetal did me proud thanks again for being so generous with the giveaways guys ! ")
(Feb 1, 2016, 01:36 PM)MudkipLegend Wrote: 31-9 in my games, after going 1-4 on day 1 i finished the tournament 30-5

Awesome result dude ")!

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