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[VGC] VGC 2018 Tier List (as of 1/11/18) - Always Updating!
Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and as this is one of the most 'official' posts I've ever done, I'm going to keep the introduction short! Also, please stand by why I deal with formatting all these pictures! It's going to take a few tries.

Anyway, I'd like to thank the users over on our Discord page for providing me with the opportunity (and sources) to bring you all this information. The tier list I've created is, in my best opinion, where every mon currently being used is ranked based on usage and performance. The mons on this list are taken from Smogon, Pokémon Showdown, live tournament data, and from data provided by the fantastic profshroomish. All available links are provided. With all that said, let's jump into it!

[Image: landorus-therian.png]

[Image: 600px-788Tapu_Fini.png] [Image: cresselia.png] [Image: heatran.png]  [Image: latest?cb=20140226084111&path-prefix=ko] [Image: P1IZ0uVk8OUEDdlF.jpeg] [Image: 115_f2.png?resize=300%2C300]

[Image: amoonguss.png]  [Image: d189b1778931931e46ff8e4c27eeb3c1.jpg]
[Image: 20161204124049.png][Image: photo.jpg][Image: 116820_Mega_Metagross-x600.png]

[Image: celesteela.png] [Image: ferrothorn.png] [Image: snorlax.png] [Image: tyranitar.png] [Image: zapdos.png] [Image: latest?cb=20170420230825]

[Image: hydreigon.png] [Image: ludicolo.png] [Image: pelipper.png] [Image: politoed.png] [Image: tumblr_omwucoNUcb1u4v95ao1_500.png] [Image: 1ded1d18-ea97-49a8-afa7-94b19a507bb7.png] [Image: Tapu_Bulu_300dpi_png_jpgcopy.jpg] [Image: swampert-mega.jpg] 
[Image: 250px-804Naganadel_Dream.png] [Image: gengar-mega.jpg]

[Image: kartana.png] [Image: scrafty.png] [Image: volcarona.png] [Image: arcanine.png] [Image: excadrill.png] [Image: incineroar.png] [Image: kingdra.png] [Image: e25d3e5eeab48082de9683c2a5768296.png] [Image: milotic.png] [Image: whimsicott.png] [Image: thundurus.png] [Image: suicune.png] [Image: nihilego.png]

[Image: azumarill.png] [Image: gastrodon-east.png] [Image: thundurus-therian.png] [Image: conkeldurr.png] [Image: gothitelle.png] [Image: hawlucha.png] [Image: manectric-mega.jpg] [Image: marowak-alola.png] [Image: mimikyu.png] [Image: ninetales-alola.png] [Image: porygon2.png] [Image: hitmontop.png] [Image: muk-alola.png]

[Image: araquanid.png] [Image: bisharp.png] [Image: bronzong.png] [Image: pheromosa.png] [Image: venusaur.png] [Image: blaziken-mega.jpg] [Image: persian-alola.png] [Image: rotom-wash.png] [Image: breloom.png]

[Image: aerodactyl-mega.jpg] [Image: xurkitree.png] [Image: scizor.png] [Image: charizard-mega-x.jpg] [Image: talonflame.png] [Image: clefairy.png] [Image: blastoise-mega.jpg]

[Image: togedemaru.png] [Image: chansey.png] [Image: musharna.png] [Image: noivern.png] [Image: houndoom-mega.jpg] [Image: rhyperior.png] [Image: empoleon.png] [Image: 65f6f980d0a390cb07458983641cdb76--mega-p...-games.jpg]

[Image: eevee.png] [Image: smeargle.png] [Image: blissey.png] [Image: steelix-mega.jpg]

As a side note, the metagame is constantly updating and changing. If you feel a pokémon is in the wrong place, or if you think there's a pokémon that should be added or taken off the list entirely, do not just say so in the thread below. Be sure to give valid reasoning for your opinion, and if new information surfaces, the tier list will be shifted as the format develops. As always, keep the thread below G-rated, and make sure to provide all information/discussion pertaining to the current metagame with every comment made. If you're unsure or curious why a mon is placed where they are, search the data references used, or simple comment down below and I will try my best to explain how each mon was placed.

Thank you all so much for reading! Battle onwards, friends!

- 0kamii

P.S. If anyone has any links/information they'd like to contribute to the updating of this tier list, please provided the links below. If the source is deemed credbile, they will be used to update this ladder. Thanks all!

Update: 1/14/2018

Hey, everyone! A few changes to the tier list. Naganadel has been moved to B+ after valid evidence from several players, Alolan Muk, Nihilego, and Mega Gengar have been added in conjuction with Smogon's list, and Houndoom and Steelix have been updated to show their Mega forms as they are the most common ways to run each one. Thanks so much for the information you guys have provided, and I'll be sure to continue updating as the season progresses!
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 

Considering their mega stones usage are 99,740% and 97,287% MAYBE their MEs' sprites should be used instead of their regular forms' ones.

Anyway I can't believe that you included pokèmon like Steelix, Houndoom and Rhyperior in this list and AMuk, Nihilego or even Gengar aren't mentioned at all, lmao.

Wow. What a great tool. I had no idea this site even existed. I'll defintely use this as a reference for updating the list as the season progresses. Thanks, Spyro.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
I thought that Suicune was banned because it's a cover-legendary
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda

If it is, the entire meta seemed to have missed that memo. I've seen it on Showdown, Battle Spot, Smogon's own tier, and even on Pikalytics, the site Spyro provided. Pretty sure it's legal.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
when you realize that most of your team doesn't even get near the top of the teir list............. Sad
Lando needs to die I hate it foreverrrrr

Also, Cresselia on a Trick Room sounds like a fun idea....

Also 0kamii, you've got it all wrong, Typhlosion is SS++ tier.
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
(Jan 11, 2018, 05:41 PM)RetroTyphlosion Wrote: Lando needs to die I hate it foreverrrrr

Also, Cresselia on a Trick Room sounds like a fun idea....

Also 0kamii, you've got it all wrong, Typhlosion is SS++ tier.

Psycho Shift and Flame Orb Cresselia is a massive troll on the battle spot.
(Jan 11, 2018, 06:02 PM)Reis Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2018, 05:41 PM)RetroTyphlosion Wrote: Lando needs to die I hate it foreverrrrr

Also, Cresselia on a Trick Room sounds like a fun idea....

Also 0kamii, you've got it all wrong, Typhlosion is SS++ tier.

Psycho Shift and Flame Orb Cresselia is a massive troll on the battle spot.

VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
Thanks 0kamii, I've shared this to Twitter so hopefully more people see it.

Also Clefairy Kappa
Thanks for all the good times~

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