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[VGC] VGC18 Rules
The 2018 Videogame Championships Rules have been announced

VGC18 Official Rules:
  • All battles will be Doubles format and played in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
  • All Pokemon in the National Dex are allowed, however;
  • Pokemon must have the plus stamp showing they were caught in Alola
  • Mythical Pokemon, certain Legenday Pokemon and Ash-Greninja are banned 
  • Duplicate Pokemon are not allowed
  • All items including Mega Stones and Z Crystals are allowed but no duplicates
  • All Pokemon will be set to level 50
  • Player time is 5 Minutes
Thanks for all the good times~
omg yes, this will be SO much better now that we have national dex
Damn I don't like that they have to be caught in Alola, so much for the move tutors in ORAS
(Oct 6, 2017, 11:59 AM)AverageJoe Wrote: Damn I don't like that they have to be caught in Alola, so much for the move tutors in ORAS

I really want ice punch metagross back, that would destroy garchomp
Am I the only one concerned that they said "some" legendary pokémon are banned? Most likely, this pertains to Necrozma and its new forms. I really don't want another season polluted by Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. Not to mention Power Herb + Geomancy Xerneas. I really hope Nintendo quantifies this "some" pokémon really soon. Depending on who's allowed, I don't know if I'd want to compete this season... Undecided

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 

You make a fair point about the legendaries from previous generations, but we still don't know if US and UM are going to impliment a system similar to the Mirage Spots from ORAS. If it does, then virtually all legendaries are going to be fair game. At this point in time however, I agree. Only Alolan Legendaries, like Necrozma, Lunala, and Solgaleo, are going to get the ban hammer. While I'm not looking forward to another season of Tapus and UBs, at least we have several knew ones to mix it up a little bit. I'm actually excited to see how UB Adhesive fairs in competitive. I love its design, so it'll be interesting to see how I can use it.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 

If every pokémon in the National Dex is legal, then I wouldn't get too attached. I sense Bronzong will be making a comeback. It is infamously known as one of the best TR setter in the game.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
(Oct 6, 2017, 05:24 PM)0kamii Wrote: @RetroTyphlosion

If every pokémon in the National Dex is legal, then I wouldn't get too attached. I sense Bronzong will be making a comeback. It is infamously known as one of the best TR setter in the game.

- 0kamii

as long as they don't use garchomp and arcanine as much, im good.
Not sure how I feel about megas coming back but definitely happy it's National Dex again
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
I just don't want to see Mega Kang Vs Mega Kang every few matches
Thanks for all the good times~

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