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Which legendary Trio should be featured for christmas? {We have a winner!}
As of now The legendary birds are in 1st place followed closely by The Swords of Justice in 2nd and not to far behind them is The Legendary Beasts. It is really close and 2 days is plenty of time for any one of these trios to get into first or get kicked out of second. I am very curious as to who will emerge the winner on Monday. As for right now spread the word and get people to vote for the trio that you want to be distributed, remember the more votes the more interesting it will be and the more likely that your trio will win. As it stands it is not impossible for anyone of these trios to come in first. Cool

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RE: Which legendary Trio should be featured for christmas? {Last 2 days} - by leponzitro - Dec 6, 2014, 02:27 PM

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