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Experience counts for these girls. Here’s how to find them. Women Seeking Older Men.

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If someone is just looking for a casual relationship – there is little reason to dwell on the advantages or potential problems that can come with an &#8220,age gap&#8221, relationship. But if it’s serious, so are the considerations. But before we get into the specifics of that, the easiest way to find women searching for older men is the same as finding anything else: But why are some younger women attracted to older men? Obviously, there are as many reasons for younger women to seek older men as there are reasons for younger men to seek older women. Mature dating arrangements can have benefits for all involved at certain points in their lives. I never realized until recently that there are so many younger women seeking older men. Younger Women &#8211, Older Men: The Reality: And that is great news for the older guys or guys seeking W4M. Obviously, a lot of older guys like to date younger women. Additionally, a lot of young guys like to date older women. But I was really surprised to learn that many younger women like older men . So that is pretty cool – older women seeking older men and young women seeking older men. Damn – I wonder if I could find a hot mother – daughter tag team? Studies that span cultures find that men of every age typically prefer younger partners. It seems that the 21 to 25 year old age range is most common. There are biological and cultural reasons for that. Besides, young people are just a lot more pleasant to look at. Seriously, there are many reasons for younger guys to date older women. The same is true for young women seeking older men. Ironically, many of those reasons are exactly the same. And there are a few extra thrown in to boot. It’s safe to say that some young women prefer older men for financial reasons or social status. placeholder These might be defined as the typical “sugar daddy” kind of arrangements: The older man is essentially paying the living expenses for the woman. He frequently gives her expensive gifts. He might take her on remarkable trips or vacations. In return, the younger woman is available for dating, sex and companionship. That could be a pretty practical arrangement with obvious benefits for both people. But in many other cases, it is less about the financial benefits. It is more about the psychological and emotional attributes that often come with age. Attributes which some young women admire: Greater emotional stability Greater social status More life experience More relationship experience Appreciative treatment and behavior. Women Seeking Older Men – The Reasons: Free Instant Access. It is often said that younger women dating older men have “daddy issues”. That they are seeking a surrogate father. That is no doubt true in some instances, However, a recent study suggests that younger women seeking older men are usually more interested in: Emotional maturity and stability. A common remark from younger women who date older men is that the guys their own age just lack maturity. Some even say that after talking to older guys, the young guys just come off like “little boys”. placeholder Financial stability. Although not consistently one of the top reasons, having a career, a decent income and a home do add to the attractiveness of dating older guys. placeholder Self-confidence and experience. Many young women in “age-gap” relationships with older men say that they are attracted to the self-confidence of older men. Obviously, that comes with age and experience. They say that older men know better how to handle themselves in any given situation. That guys their own age just don’t have that. placeholder Appreciation and thoughtfulness. Older men know how to treat their dates and their partners. Little things like holding a door open or pulling out their chair at a restaurant can make a big impression. Those things show that they are aware of and attentive to their partners. While the younger guys are checking their email or messages, the mature men are making conversation. placeholder Better in bed, and better at life. More experience between the sheets – and with life in general – translates into a better experience for the people they share it with. It may partly be due to technique, but a larger part is just due to their attentiveness to the needs of others. placeholder Better communication. We’re talking about quality and quantity here. The older guys are more direct in stating what they think. Mature guys also know when to listen and when to speak up. And they listen in ways that let you know that you are being listened to. placeholder Better conversations. This is another aspect of the maturity factor. While the younger guys are talking about video games, bar hopping or other more youthful pursuits, the older men are displaying the wisdom that comes with age. They embody the insight that accumulates over time and with experience. placeholder Unafraid of relationships. A lot of the younger guys seem to just want to have some fun with girls. They’re busy chasing their careers and hanging with their friends. Relationships are just a temporary distraction. Not so much so with the mature guys – they’ve already been there and done that. If they don’t want a relationship – they’re usually going to say so. placeholder They “get it” – and they get their partners. They know where you’re coming from because they have already experienced that phase of life. The 20-something guys just lack perspective and emotional maturity. They haven’t yet figured out their own feelings or their place in the big scheme of things. That includes relationships and how to value a date or partner. Older men have most of that sorted out. placeholder Better, more memorable dates &#8211, including romance. His idea of a cool date isn’t hanging out with his buds and knocking back a few beers. It’s all about the quality of the experience for his date. He will add some romance and chivalry to the experience. There are many other reasons given as to why some younger women prefer dating older men. Simply put, a lot of it does just boil down to this: They’ve got their acts and their lives together like only experience and maturity allows you to do. And that more often translates into an attentive and appreciative partner. One who is more focused on the needs and desires of his companion. But there is a flip-side to this scenario: placeholder No discussion of a “May – December” relationship would be complete without at least touching on: The Disadvantages of Age Gap Relationships. Age is just a number, right? Not really. But the closer together those numbers are, the less impact they will have on the dynamics of a relationship. An age difference of 5 years is less meaningful than one of 15 years. However, the differences can still be stark. And many of the things that attract a younger woman to an older man – and vice versa – can become problematic over time. The Mindset: An older person is more likely to be set in their ways while a younger one is still figuring out life and their place in it. Sometimes, it is that sense of “having it all figured out” that is attractive about someone older. But it can be a stifling situation for the younger partner.

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