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an original way to meet people
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47 Best Places to Meet People & Make New Friends in 2024. Has a stroll through a park ever taken you down memory lane, compelling you to think about the times when you used to hang around with your friends? John from next door, Claire from school, or George who used to sit beside you on the school bus?


You might think about these friends all the time. When we move on from high school, the number of our friends starts decreasing. But even though we are not in touch with the people we befriended when we were children, we still have a group of enthusiastic teenagers who we call friends. Then, college happens. Friends move to different schools, and we, too, move on with our lives and let the college get the better of us. At college, we find a few faithful friends and hope to stay in touch with them. But then once we enter work life, we often slowly lose touch with almost all of our friends. Our lives now revolve around a series of deadlines and projects. It is not that we have completely lost our friends. We tag each other on Facebook posts and share old pictures. But there is distance, work, and family between us and our friends. Gone are the days when we can meet for a Saturday night out. All of us are living far away, and there is never a perfect time for everyone to come together to have lunch, dinner, or even a few drinks. This may leave people lonely, or surrounded by a limited number of people who don't bring anything exciting and fresh to our lives. This loneliness from not having a friend to share life experiences with isn't limited to people living alone. Regardless of how much you love your job and how loving your immediate family is, you likely have the urge to meet new people and expand your social circle. Meeting new people is an experience worth pursuing on its own merits. Every person has a unique way of looking at the world. When you meet new people, you learn about different perspectives, which in turn make you more empathetic. Making new friends is not about reaching a celebrated number that only a few can reach. It is about meeting different people who may have experiences different than you. Your school and college friends are, to a large extent, exposed to the same experiences and same environment that you were exposed to. When you meet people from different backgrounds—and sometimes even from different countries—you get to know learn their unique experiences and have a broader view of the world. It is true that it is more difficult to make new friends as we grow older. But as an adult, friendships are not just about play dates or sleepovers. You need a friend who can be by your side when you are down, who can lift you up when you are overwhelmed by the challenges that life throws at you, or who can just accept you as you are. After all, it has been shown that having friends can make you happier . In this digital age, social networking and dating apps have caged people inside their houses. You can sit beside a person for hours on a bus every day and still not know their name. Why? Because you are more interested in checking out the photos posted online by someone from work. It seems a difficult and nearly impossible task to venture out into the world and find new friends. And since we often don't know how to meet new people, we remain inside our houses binging on TV shows and movies. But in this article, we'll explore the 47 best places where you can go to make new friends and live a happier life. Table of Contents. The 47 Best Places for Making New Friends. There are billions of people in this world, and there is no way that you've already met all of them. But from your local grocery store to the bank you visit every month, there are a large number of places where you can meet new people . You may be familiar with the mantra that encourages you to “Say yes” to new things and not hold yourself back. You have to apply that same mantra in your life when it comes to finding new friends. You may be surprised to know that many of the places you go every day without even thinking about it are places where you can make new friends. 1. Bars. Let's begin by talking about the “obvious” and easiest place to meet new people. Almost every other romance novel talks about the protagonist finding the love of their life in a cool bar they went to with their friends. Even with platonic relationships, a bar is a place where you can definitely find someone to become friends with. On weekend nights, bars are crowded with cheerful people who are interested in sharing drinks with strangers and getting to know them better. There are better chances of making a new friend at a bar than anyplace else—so do the obvious and go to a bar to meet new people. Be more approachable, and enjoy the experience! 2. Public Transport. The public transport system brings a lot of people together. Have you seen the videos shot inside the Metro where strangers start singing pop songs together just to kill time on their long commutes? YouTube is filled with such videos, and it will warm your heart to see the extent to which different people connect with each other. We understand that when people are on buses or trains, they are often preoccupied with their various thoughts. Some are lost behind a book, wandering in a magical land. You shouldn’t disrespect their boundaries and start asking them all kinds of questions just because you think they might be interested in talking with you.

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