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building a competitive team
so I've wanted to get into competitive play, and I've built myself a team for singles. Tell me if anything seems wrong, out of place, or abilities should be swaped. I also have no idea what to do for EV's so if someone could help me with deciding those that'd be great. And if someone can make suggestions to those undecided items, thank you :D

Espeon @ undecided
Ability: Magic Bounce
- Shadow Ball
- Dazzling Gleam
- Calm Mind
- Psychic

Noivern @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Frisk
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Dragon Pulse
- Boomburst

Nidoking @ undecided
Ability: Rivaliry 
- Earthquake
- Poison Jab
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

Arcanine @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate 
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed

Mega Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static/Mold Breaker
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Pulse
- Power Gem
- Focus Blast

Lanturn @ Leftovers (I want him to be bulky if possible)
Ability: Volt Absorb
- Thunderbolt
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Aqua Ring
I went ahead and changed some things around, along with showing the abilities I think you should try to get.

Espeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Morning Sun
- Dazzling Gleam

You want Psyshock over Psychic for many reasons, but mostly to deal with things like calm mind Suicune to keep it short and sweet. I kept it calm mind to keep it similar to what you wanted, and gave it recovery out of morning sun. This could be changed to a filler attack.

Noivern @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Hurricane
- Flamethrower
- U-turn

Really disagree with rocky helmet on Noivern. Noivern is really fragile and you should focus on hitting hard and fast, u turn can be swapped out for a 4th move; i just like u turn for switch initiative.

Nidoking (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Earth Power
- Sludge Wave
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock

Simple nidoking set, you should try to get sheer force for incredible power. Put on stealth rocks for hazards.

Arcanine @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Morning Sun
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed

Went for the simple bulky arcanine set since you needed some physically defensive mons, and used rocky helmet more effectively here.

Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static
EVs: 32 HP / 252 SpA / 224 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Agility

Went for agility mega fabio, because you should try keeping its strength and we still want it to be fast. I would do a sleep talk variant, but you already have bulky arcanine/lanturn

Lanturn @ Assault Vest
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 SpA / 144 SpD / 112 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Ice Beam

simple assault vest lanturn, for special attackers.

I kept this short and simple mostly because I have to leave for work, but I hope this helps.
My concern with the team is that you have ground weaknesses, and your ground immunity is noivern, who is very fragile.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.
@Rogue Thank you so much :D As I said, I'm new to competitive and I'm trying to build a team over stuff I haven't used before. I'm using Noivern simply because I like his movepool and it's a dragon I haven't overused (and one I really don't see much in competitive)

If you think another mega would suit this team better, shout. I'm using X so that limits my megas, but I'm not opposed to transfering them all over to ORAS and fighting there instead.
ok one quick issue I have is that the Arcanine I have is shiny, so I'm kind of opposed to breeding another for morning sun. Is there any other move you'd recommend?

edit: I've decided to replace Nidoking with Crobat for another ground immunity and STAB poison + brave bird.
Alright, I've done some testing on smogon and I found that as much as I love Noivern, he's at a huge disadvantage with his weaknesses.

Decided to switch out for Kingdra.
Also decided to switch out Lanturn for Marowack since I had no ground coverage, and having two electric types that were weak to ground was rough. Especially since having Kingdra coveres water now.

I also have an Eevee/Clefable duo I'm testing, but I need the Pokemon to back it up. (OU doubles)

Eevee @ Focus Sash (debatable)
Ability: Adaptability
- Curse
- Last Resort
has EV's put into Attack and Defense 
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
- Follow Me
- Moonlight
- Moonblast
- Brick Break
has EV's put into HP and SpD
(Aug 7, 2016, 04:12 PM)geetry Wrote: Alright, I've done some testing on smogon and I found that as much as I love Noivern, he's at a huge disadvantage with his weaknesses.

Decided to switch out for Kingdra.
Also decided to switch out Lanturn for Marowack since I had no ground coverage, and having two electric types that were weak to ground was rough. Especially since having Kingdra coveres water now.

I also have an Eevee/Clefable duo I'm testing, but I need the Pokemon to back it up. (OU doubles)

Eevee @ Focus Sash (debatable)
Ability: Adaptability
- Curse
- Last Resort
has EV's put into Attack and Defense 
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
- Follow Me
- Moonlight
- Moonblast
- Brick Break
has EV's put into HP and SpD

Running a physical move on your Clefable while it has an attack reducing nature is pretty stupid. If you really want Brick Break, you should run a Sassy nature. Personally I'd run T-Wave to help Eevee. Flamethrower is also an option since I assume Brick Break was for Steels. Hope I helped despite my lack of doubles knowledge. ^^

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