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christian chat rooms over 50
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If we think the main purpose of life is how much fun or success we are having then we have misunderstood so much. We are not just physical bodies we also have a
Christian chat rooms over 50. If we think the main purpose of life is how much fun or success we are having then we have misunderstood so much.


We are not just physical bodies we also have a spiritual part to us, which means you will live on after you die. We all need to live this life knowing that the life after this is the one that lasts forever! I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. When you know life is about so much more than just here and now it opens your eyes to a new world. There is a new way of living, with a much bigger, better, fresh purpose and aim. You can have peace with God and deep fulfilment without needing to have what everyone around thinks of as success. I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin. We all make deliberate and accidental bad choices as we live as the king of our own lives, serving our own purposes. But when you live like this you are sinning against the perfect God of the universe who is the one you should be worshipping and living to please. No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. God loves you and didn’t want to remain in conflict with you, so He came to this earth as Jesus to rescue you. Jesus lived a perfect life and willingly allowed Himself to be unfairly killed on a cross, where He was punished by God, He was your substitute – taking your place, experiencing the suffering that should have been yours. I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Jesus didn’t stay dead, three days later He came alive again proving He had finished His task and it was now possible for you to be at peace with God. You will never be good enough to get rid of the stain of your own sin, but by putting your faith in what Jesus has done for you, you are forgiven and free. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. When you believe in Jesus, He becomes your king and you gain a new purpose and reason to live. One day everyone who follows Jesus will live forever with Him and all their troubles will come to an end. For now the world of suffering is all around, but it’s a very different place to live when you are at peace with the God of all comfort who loves you and now lives inside you.

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