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different pattern vivillions
i really would like to have all the patterns especially the sun and ocean pattern. i already have the modern pattern from where i live and i can offer modern pattern vivillions, bred pokemon of your choice of egg moves and gender and nature.

i dont care if the vivillions you offer are legit or hacked shiny or non shiny i would just love to have all the patterns.

thank you very much
I can trade you clones of the event Vivillions if you want?

sure i would love to have them!
Nice, just added your FC there!

hi just added your fc too!
what pokemon would you like for the vivillions?
A breedject or something like that would be fine!
alright i have a bunch of numels if thats alright by you!
you should make a list showing which you have, ive got 6 or 7 different patterns id love to trade Smile
Sounds good Smile

thank you so so much!!!


wait a list of what exactly? i can breed basically anything 5iv with choice of egg moves

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