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different pattern vivillions

i just tried it with the ocean pattern and got the modern pattern when i evolved the scatterbug so im very confused
@CellyBean ugh i feel so stupid i thought my pattern was modern so when i happened to breed continental i got confused D: sorry! can still give you continental though xP after all that lol

oh thank you!!! is there anything specific i can breed for you in return that you would like?
@CellyBean lol im so stupid its the high plains i have Dx either way Smile could we trade that shiny scatterbug for my high plains? :D
@stephenWITNESS would the fancy and pokeball patterns still be available ? :p

yeah thats fine by me! when can you trade?
@CellyBean lol how bout now? Smile
oh oops i didnt see this im sorry @wartty

can you trade anytime soon?
@wartty yea man, I'll add your fc

can you trade today?
@CellyBean yeh sorry bout the wait the last two days at work have been crazy, you free now?@stephenWITNESS thanks a lot man would there be any HA pokemon your interested in?

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