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hiya! i'm kimimaro :)
(Sep 30, 2015, 02:28 PM)RecklessGods Wrote: Welcome to the party if you want to trade any time my FC is 3926-7383-5657

i shall add you right this moment :D you will be my first friend on pkmn omega ruby Smile so excite! -kimimaro-
(Sep 30, 2015, 11:48 PM)wpendragon Wrote: Welcome to the forums Kimimaro, love the name btw xD

happy to be here! :D and i am quite flattered, i give free hugs to everyone (legit) so here! :D -hug-
thank you for all the warm welcomes everyone! free hugs! -hugs- i wish you all the best and here is my friend code (again) if you need/want to add me! Smile -4442-1283-9149. thanks for reading!! -kimimaro-
(Sep 30, 2015, 02:28 PM)RecklessGods Wrote: Welcome to the party if you want to trade any time my FC is 3926-7383-5657

don't forget to add me too btw :D
pokemon IGN: Kimimaro

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