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i need an everstone
anyone willing to trade me a pokemon holding an everstone. i need the everstone for breeding
Geosenge Town, PokéMileage Club (Balloon Popping, Lv. 3), Route 18 (from Psychic Inver), held by wild Geodude, wild Graveler, wild Roggenrola and wild Boldore

Granite Cave, Inverse Battle Stop and wild Geodude
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
I would!
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?

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